Inspire, Winter 2000

14 Winter 2000 experiences at the same time. There are seasons for everything. I don’t want to do the right thing at the wrong season of life. There are always good things to do, but it may not be the best time for it! There was a time to sing full-time, but now is the season of mothering and being a godly wife. I love the occasional opportunities I have to speak on mothering at retreats and interact with other moms. It gets me excited to go back home and love my husband and kids better. In regards to ministering to others, a lady once said to me, “The way you live and act with your children will help other young moms more than teaching them.” I know that is true. I used to drag my kids everywhere to minister to others. I once taught a ladies’ Bible study, but my house was a mess. I remember a young mom dragging herself to one of those studies. She had just had a baby and was exhausted. I said, “You look like you need to be in bed.” She replied that she felt awful and was up all night but she told herself, “If Deb can do it, I can do it!” She meant to compliment me, but I thought, “I am creating an unrealistic role model.” She didn’t know what an awful morning I had and how my house was so out of order trying to do it all! I wanted so badly to be in the ministry, but I failed to see my ministry was pulling on my pant leg asking for my attention! I: If someone was thinking about pursuing similar ministries to yours, what advice would you offer? Deb: ~To singers: Trust God with your music. Don’t try to make it happen. If you have to nail the door shut (or pry it open) God probably isn’t in it. Let God take you where he wants. Work at being your best for the Lord and not for attention or glory. If you write, let others critique your work. ~To moms: Slow down and enjoy your kids. There will be another season to do whatever else you think you need to do. Don’t ever feel guilty for “not using your education!!!” Your college experience made you the person you are today and your family is benefiting because you grew intellectually, socially, and spiritually in college. You are not wasting your money, time, or career by shaping the next generation. ~To wives: Love your husband and seek peace. Don’t keep account of wrongs. Treat him like you want to be treated. Serve him, honor him, and take time to put energy into your love life. Lighten up your expectations and enjoy him for who he is. Keep your relationships with God and others strong so that your husband is not expected to meet all of your needs. ~To pastors’ wives: Be yourself. Be your husband’s best friend and try not to let the expectations of others intimidate you. Embrace the privilege to exemplify the ways of God to those who watch you instead of resenting the “fishbowl.” Don’t focus on your “position” or get preoccupied with it. Just live for the Lord with your eyes on Him alone and He will use you to touch others with your genuine faith. I: What are some of the greatest challenges/hurdles you have faced? Deb: ~Staying faithful and positive in the daily mundane chores. ~Balancing home and ministry: My husband once asked me to not do any recording for two years. (We all needed a break.) I thought I would die. But I honored that request and God blessed it. My husband knew we all needed the break, and listening to him protected us from stress. I also have found a joy in ministering WITH my children. I can teach my kids by example while encouraging them to serve others. ~People: There will always be those who gossip or complain about you, especially when you are in a visible ministry. I have learned to keep my eyes on the Lord. I listen and learn from criticism but never let it defeat me. Satan loves to use doubt and discouragement. If he can make one of God’s servants be self-conscious or paranoid, he can hinder their effectiveness greatly. ~Staying consistent in prayer: It makes a huge difference when I am on my knees daily before the Lord. I am so prone to wander! I must always ask Him to keep my passion for Him alive. I: What are some of your greatest joys about your ministry? Deb: ~Home: I love serving my husband and laughing together and praying each morning. I love singing with my kids. I love it when they hug me. I love hearing what they have learned in the Word and seeing them serve others. ~Hospitality: I love having big parties. I love to hear the house full of fun.