Inspire, Winter 2000

W e received many wonderful stories of women in ministry that we were unable to include in their entirety. Following is a quick peek into some of these life ministries. Sheila Solomon Beers ’69N In my years since I attended Cedarville, I have developed a ministry through teaching, medical report editing, and journalism. I also use my skills to write about various causes and issues, taking a stand for the biblical view. Because of this, I call myself a community activist with a ministry. In all these areas, I have been able to witness for Christ and take a stand on legal, moral, spiritual, and educational issues. Truly, the pen is mightier than the sword, as my English professors at Cedarville taught me. Heidi Kellogg Good ’92 For the past four years I have been the director of after-school and day camp programs for Kids With A Promise, a program which serves New York City’s underprivileged children. We have after-school centers in the Bronx, in Manhattan (Washington Heights and Harlem neighborhoods), and in Brooklyn. At the after-school centers, we offer homework assistance, small group instruction in language arts and math, and enrichment activities, including Bible teaching, arts and crafts, and games. I have been very blessed to work with these children. Most of them come from unchurched or Catholic families, but they quickly grow to love the Lord and love His Word. During Bible time they eagerly take in every word. I often realize that in our programs, the fields are indeed white with harvest. God is doing a great work here in New York City. Ruth Harton ’92 I am in my fifth year as the principal of Cressona Christian School in Pennsylvania. Upon completion of my master’s degree (1994), I began teaching at Annapolis Area Christian School. In the spring of 1995 I was … asked if in the fall of 1995 I would be willing to switch to another one of their campuses to teach fifth grade and also serve as the administrator of that campus. I was very surprised as I had only three years of teaching experience and was only 23 years old. After giving this prayerful consideration I accepted the position. I was so amazed at how I was accepted as a supervisor over teachers who were more than double my age. I took this as evidence of the Lord working through me; it’s about Him, not about me! The following year I accepted the position of principal at Cressona Christian School where I have been since the fall of 1996. I again was a bit intimidated at first, but I was comforted and strengthened with the knowledge that He is my strength in time of weakness. Every year it seems the Lord leads me to serve in some way that is out of my comfort zone. I believe the Lord wants me to continue to learn the importance of relying on Him and not trusting in myself. inspire The Cedarville Alumni Magazine Volume 11 Issue 2 Editor Faith Linn ’83 Managing Editor Roger Overturf ’75 Publication Coordinator Charity Rizer Grahame ’98 Copy Editor Kara Steinman Proofreaders Martha Baldwin Wendy Miller Orchard ’91 Graphic Designer Dan Clingan Writers Monica James Bowen ’92 Jeff Brock ‘84 Lucinda Congdon ’00 Paul Dixon ’94H Sandra Millikin Entner ’59 Lew Gibbs Charity Rizer Grahame ’98 Faith Linn ’83 Kim Longo Roger Overturf ‘75 Roscoe Smith ’82 Kara Steinman Emily Wiljamaa ’98 Cessna Catherine Winslow Photographers Scott Huck Alumni Contributors Alumni Relations 1-800-837-2566 937-766-7858 Director of Alumni Relations Faith Linn ’83 Administrative Assistant Charity Rizer Grahame ’98 Event Coordinator Cindy Congdon ‘00 Event Coordinator Emily Wiljamaa ’98 Campus Phone Numbers Academic Services (transcripts) 937-766-7710 Admissions 1-800-233-2784 Annual Fund 1-800-766-1115 Athletic Office 937-766-7768 Bookstore 937-766-7894 Campus Activities 1-800-860-7625 Career Services 1-888-562-4811 CDR Radio 1-800-333-0601 Christian Ministries 1-888-465-7378 External Relations 1-877-233-2784 Financial Aid 1-800-444-2433 Gift Planning 1-800-766-1115 President’s Office 937-766-7900 Public Relations 937-766-7808 Student Services 937-766-7872 Summer School 937-766-7953 Yearbook Office 937-766-7990 Women in Ministry Schools of Engineering, Nursing & Science 937-766-3253 Health and Human Performance 937-766-3252 Humanities, Fine Arts & Bible 937-766-3234 Social Sciences & Prof. Studies 937-766-3235 I believe the Lord wants me to continue to learn the importance of relying on Him and not trusting in myself.