Inspire, Winter 2003

Inspire 29 in the second service alone. It is amazing how ready these people are to accept Christ — they just need to hear! The team I will be joining in Durban is a team of ABWE missionary church planters and South African pastors who are working hard to develop churches. My role on the team will have several facets. First, I will be helping to develop hospice care programs so that we may reach those at the end of their lives with the gospel. In December 2003, I will attend a hospice care training program in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The skills I learn will allow me to be able to teach and implement the program in South Africa. Secondly, the government just passed a law about religion in schools, opening wide the door for us to go in, teach abstinence, and openly share the gospel. I will be starting that as soon as I arrive in Durban. Ultimately, we will be developing an HIV/AIDS ministry to be implemented into the church plants. These programs will be culturally relevant to each church. Currently, I am wrapping up a busy schedule of fall meetings. I am learning the Zulu language, as well as visiting churches to raise prayer and financial support. My financial support level is currently at 65 percent. I am praying for God to provide the next 35 percent so I can reach my goal of leaving for Durban in May 2004. I look forward to these ministries, which will also be shared by Casey Platt ’00, a Cedarville friend and recent appointee to the Durban team. It is so exciting to see how the Lord has already worked and how He has allowed me the opportunity for a great education and opportunities greater then I could ever have dreamed! I continue to dream big for the work in South Africa because all things are possible with God! Amy may be contacted at or call (607) 748-4605 My heart became deeply burdened for these lives cut so short by AIDS. Even more than that, though, I was burdened by the need for Christ, the only one who can heal hearts from sin.