Inspire, Winter 2004

Contents Volume 15 Issue 2 Winter 2004 Features 7 Steven Curtis Chapman Shines at Cedarville Thanks to one of our own alums, Cedarville was blessed by a chapel visit from Steven Curtis Chapman in November. 20 Blessing in Honoring Literally by “accident,” Cessna Winslow learned what it means to honor one’s parents through illness and injury. 26 Honoring When Beliefs Collide Yosef Hassan ’05 struggled with how to honor his Muslim father — a man that he knew very little of growing up. Sections 4 Director’s Chair 5 What’s Abuzz 12 Alumni Association News 14 The Big Pic © 18 What’s the Word? 28 Alumnotes Cedarville University Alumni Association 251 N. Main Street Cedarville, Ohio 45314 When Beliefs Collide How do you honor your father when he has not been a regular part of your life and your beliefs clash with his? Yosef Hassan ’05 tells Inspire his story on page 26.