Inspire, Winter 2005

Inspire What’s Abuzz Beyond Tolerance: Grace As witnessed in the controversy surrounding Hurricane Katrina, our American culture still struggles with issues of racial tension. The church is not immune to these issues. Christians should be leaders, not followers, when it comes to pursuing racial harmony and unity in our country and in our churches. Cedarville University’s Division of Student Life sponsored the “Beyond Tolerance: Grace” seminar October 26-27, with a desire to provide Christians with resources on race and reconciliation. Through chapel messages, special sessions, the movie Amistad , and panel discussions, the seminar urged attendees to think about topics such as • Planting and Pastoring a Multicultural Church • Racial Reconciliation: Nice Idea or Heart of the Gospel? • Biblical Foundation for Racial Reconciliation and Diversity • Biblical Christianity or Cultural Christianity Jon Purple, assistant to the vice president of student life, said, “We had excellent attendance at all sessions and had the largest crowd ever for an on-campus movie with the showing of Amistad with a discussion afterwards. We have conducted some informal interviews for feedback, and it has been overwhelmingly positive. There is little doubt that we will do this or something similar each year.” Tell Us Your Story Spring 2006 How Did Cedarville Prepare You for Life? Did a certain chapel message help you get through a difficult time? Did a specific class or professor help you in your career? Did you grow in your faith in such a way that you live your life differently? Whether it was expected or not, how did Cedarville prepare you for daily or even extraordinary life experiences? Submit your story by January 16, 2006. Summer 2006 Can You Find Balance? Cedarville University equips us to live successful lives. But, how do we do that in the real world? Between family, church, career, and other obligations or interests, how do you find balance? Managing priorities is an ongoing struggle for all of us. What has been your struggle, your failure, your lesson learned, or your best-kept secret to finding balance in your life? Submit your story by April 1, 2006. Dr. Michael O. Emerson, professor of sociology at Rice University, addressed the University family for chapel during the seminar. Mingling with King Tut OK, King Tut wasn’t really there, but the aura of ancient Egypt certainly was. The Dayton Art Institute (DAI) recently hosted the traveling exhibit “Treasures of Ancient Egypt: The Quest for Immortality.” On October 28, Cedarville University held a special evening at DAI for students, faculty, staff, Dayton area alumni, and Dayton area prospective students. This allowed the University family to enjoy the fascinating Egyptian collection, which includes sculpture, jewelry, a reconstructed tomb, and even a mummy and coffin. Enhancing the evening was a joint concert by the University’s Dr. Bruce Curlette and Charles Pagnard, both professors of music, with cameo performances by University musical groups.