Inspire, Winter 2007

12Winter 2007 Feature : David ’ 84 and Laura MCElroy L indner ’ 85 Boaz. The magi. The poor widow. What do each of these biblical figures have in common? They are just a few of those who demonstrated their faith through the humble distribution of material things to others. Not only is Scripture full of practical wisdom for financial management, but it is also rich with stories of men and women who gave generously to honor their Lord — from the small gift of the widow’s mite to God’s ultimate gift of Jesus’s life. David ’84 and Laura McElroy Lindner ’85 are carrying on this biblical legacy, honoring a dad who understood the value of a college education but did not live to see his son enjoy it. When David was just 11, his father passed away. But David was blessed — his parents’ careful planning made his college education financially possible. Sadly, for many children who lose a parent, the dream of attending college is shattered along with so many other dreams. David and Laura, even in college, determined that they wanted to help students who knew the pain of losing a parent and needed financial help to complete their education. In June 2000, the David S. Lindner Scholarship came to fruition. This scholarship assists Cedarville students who have lost a parent. David stressed that, for him, the scholarship gives a sense of connectedness to his dad. “Helping other kids who are in the same situation that I suffered maintains a link for me with my father and keeps his values alive.” They intend to continue adding to the endowment. They send a monthly check, which to them is like sending a support check to missionaries. The scholarship has grown to around $30,000 over seven years. Including the 2007–08 academic year, the scholarship has helped five students (some for multiple years) and has distributed more than $10,000. With continuing to provide for students in the future in mind, the scholarship is also named in the Lindners’ wills. This past September, David’s mother, Alice, passed away, and now both David and Laura are thinking seriously about changing the name of the scholarship to include both of his parents, since Alice partnered with David’s father in planning and providing for David’s college education — in addition to raising David by herself after David’s father’s death. “She was a lovely, precious woman and we miss her so much.” They have also received letters from grateful students over the years — each of them grateful for the Linders’ generosity during the students’ times of uncertainty, explaining how much the monetary gifts aided their education. Continuing to give back to the college, the Lindners frequently host Cedarville students and traveling groups in their home, and they provide substantial assistance to alumni relations in planning alumni events in the area. As Laura explains, “The school was deeply influential in our lives, and we still strongly believe in its mission, Honoring a Dad’s Legacy by Kara Niemotka Gibbs ’96 Continuing to give back to the University, David ’84 and Laura McElroy Lindner ’85 frequently host Cedarville students, like the alumni student organization Delta Alpha Epsilon, in their home.