Inspire, Winter 2007

14Winter 2007 Feature : Kelly Fath ’ 91 Have you ever imagined yourself speaking in chapel — the stories you’d tell, the people you’d thank? For most of us, it might be difficult to even know where to start. The starting place for Kelly Fath was what he knows to be true: that Cedarville made good on its promise to provide a spiritual community in which to thrive, a groundwork of academic preparation, and lifelong friendships to depend on. While in chapel last year, Kelly challenged students to be grateful, loyal, and generous as they respond to the benefits of being Cedarville alumni. His message was a reminder to all of us that it’s not enough to be thankful for past blessings, but that “to whom much is given, much is required.” God has worked in my life through this institution. Through the people that He has brought here as fellow classmates, as professors, as resident staff, administration, and through other aspects of this school. So indulge me a little bit as I share how much Cedarville has meant to me and how it has impacted my life. Cedarville prepared me academically. It equipped me for graduate school and for professional life with a Christian worldview, allowing me to discern truth from error. It prepared me spiritually for life — a heart for ministry, hands-on experiences in doing ministry, ruling out which ministries I was not equipped for. And it prepared me socially. It gave me friends; it’s given me a network that continues to this day. Cedarville provided the support network that I needed in a time of career change. As I was sensing God leading me out of the practice of law, it was professors, friends, classmates that I turned to, to seek counsel. Of course, it was my local church and my family, but also the Cedarville connection. And later Cedarville was an important part of finding the financial support in getting to the mission field. Of my 11 supporting churches, 10 have an affiliation, if not a direct connection, to my relationships formed through Cedarville. The experiences and the investment of Cedarville in my life have been profound. And despite that, people still ask me, “Kelly, why do you remain so involved in Cedarville? Why do you continue to give up When Much Has Been Given Excerpts from a chapel message delivered by Kelly Fath ’91