DigitalCommons@Cedarville 2019-2020 Annual Report

2019-2020 ANNUAL REORT 3 In Brief DigitalCommons@Cedarville is the online institutional repository of the scholarship, creative activity, and historical record of the faculty, staff, and students of the university. It is designed to accomplish these goals: • Collect the university’s scholarly and creative content in a single, accessible, discoverable, open, and organized location • Provide global visibility for the university’s scholarly and creative content through search engine optimization • Preserve not only published research, but also other institutional assets, including unpublished papers, teaching materials, images, sound and audio files, historical documents, and much more • Provide a showcase for the institution’s scholarly and creative content that can be shared with the institution’s various constituencies, including prospective faculty and staff, prospective students, alumni, and donors • Provide support for student endeavors by publishing and providing access to theses, capstone projects, student journals, and other student publications and creative activity 2019-2020 Staff Gregory Martin, Digital Commons Director Tricia Clark, Digital Services Specialist Jess Elder, Digital Services Specialist Daniel Swank, Library Collection Services Student Assistant Holly Caldwell, Library Collection Services Student Assistant Lydia Jacobsen, Library Collection Services Student Assistant