DigitalCommons@Cedarville 2020-2021 Annual Report
2020-2021 ANNUAL REORT 14 Looking Ahead As the repository and publishing services continue to grow, it is necessary to create policies and standardized processes that ensure efficiency and consistent quality. Accordingly, a primary focus in the coming year will again be the completion of our Policies and Procedures Manual (a LibGuide) and job descriptions for the various roles required for the publishing process. A plan for digitizing items from the University Archives needs to be discussed and finalized. This will again be a major effort during the 2021-2022 academic year. The rapid developments taking place in institutional repositories make it difficult to anticipate the opportunities and challenges that we will encounter over the coming year. Nevertheless, the Digital Commons staff remains committed to maintaining an excellent and innovative repository that meets the needs of the faculty, staff, and students of Cedarville University.
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