Centennial Library Shelf Life, March/April 2024

Spring Issue of Musical Offerings Two articles in Musical Offerings explore the influences and convergence of music, theology, historical politics, and culture. A third article explores the history and impact of a violin’s delicate construction and tuning on performance outcomes. The articles were written by two Cedarville seniors, Emma Ross and Marion Johnson, and recent alumnus Paul Scanlon. Musical Offerings is an undergraduate journal of musicology published by the School of Arts and Humanities at Cedarville University under the editorial direction of Dr. Sandra Yang. The latest issue is available in print and online. DIGITAL COMMONS PUBLISHING CORNER Scholarship and Creativity Showcased in Published Journals Recent Release of the Cedarville Review The 24th volume of the Cedarville Review is now available to order or read online! This newest installment features handcrafted ceramics, photographic explorations of nature, and multi-genre musings on life. We invite you to delve into this publication of undergraduate creativity. The Cedarville Review is an annual publication of poetry, prose, and visual art sponsored by the Department of English, Literature, and Modern Languages in collaboration with the Digital Commons at Cedarville University. 4 Million Milestone for Digital Commons The Digital Commons reached a milestone in early April 2024 with its four millionth download since its inception twelve years ago. The top downloaded article of all time is “Human Nature and the Christian” by Dr. Marc Clauson. The most downloaded publication is the Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism with 350,000 downloads spread across its 500 articles. 4M DOWNLOADS