Torch, Fall 1980

3 Don't Put God In a Box _If someone asked alumnus Cal Searles, "What is the greatest lesson you have learned in your Christian life?" he probably would answer with this simple phrase, "Don't put God in a box!" Although Cal was a business major at Cedarville Col– lege, he presently serves as pastor of the Camden Baptist Church. In January 1975, Cal transferred to Cedarville College from Bowling Green State University. His plans were to study Business Administration and enter his father's insurance business. While at Cedarville, Cal participated in many Christian Ser– vice activities, including the Greene County Jail ministry. Also, he was involved in personal witnessing while with the baseball team during spring training in Florida. It was at this time that Cal became burdened to intensify his study of the Bible and to grow spiritually. Returning to school and the daily chapel ser– vices, he was continually challenged by the messages to examine his career choice and to consider the ministry as a vocation. Upon graduation, Cal went to the Philippines with the Mis– sionary Internship Service basketball team. The team played basketball with the Filipinos to have an opportunity to witness to them. When Cal saw the millions of unsaved people, he became heavily burdened for their salvation . This burden remained heavy on his heart even after he returned to join his father in the insurance business. At this point in his life, he was faced with a serious conflict. He did not want to spend the rest of his life in the insurance business; yet, his parents had paid for his education and looked forward to his sharing his father's business. Besides, he had a degree in Business Administra– tion, not Bible. At the time this inner conflict was raging, Cal's pastor resigned and asked him to serve as interim pastor of the church. Cal agreed; and with the consent of the Deacons, he began five months of service as interim pastor. During this time, several men were considered by the church to fill the vacancy, but none felt the Lord leading him to the church . Finally, in February of 1978, the Deacons asked Cal to con– sider being their pastor. In response to his willingness, the church overwhelmingly called him. In the days since then, Cal has seen real growth in the church. Although he had his doubts in the beginning, Dr. Jeremiah encouraged him to put them out of his mind and get to work. Today the church is in the process of building a new sanctuary that will seat 400 people, and real spiritual growth is evident in the lives of the members. "You can't put God in a box. When He wants to work, He will use whom He needs." This is the conclusion of a man who went to college planning to be an insurance businessman, but whose life the Lord redirected to meet the needs of the con– gregation of the Camden Baptist Church at Wakeman, Ohio. Athletic/ Academic Center As you can see from the picture, construction on the Athletic / Academic Center is progressing . Alumni, you may be wondering why there hasn't bee~ more publicity or public fund raising for the $2.3 million proj– ect. Cedarville College's Director of Development, Chuck Ross, states that the Development Office has been doing much work behind the scene. In fact, nearly one-quarter of a million dollars has been received in cash and pledges from trustees, and over $70,000 has been committed by faculty and staff per– sonnel. Also in progress is a campaign to solicit selected individual donors. Later, when foundations and businesses are approached for matching or challenge grants, alumni, parents, and friends will be called on to help wrap up the final amount to complete the project. The Athletic / Academic Center will fulfill five urgent needs resulting from our increased enrollment-cafeteria space, academic classroom space, a student center, faculty and departmental office space, and larger and more adequate athletic facilities. Faithful alumni contributed over $106,000 toward the $750,000 James T. Jeremiah Chapel- approximately 14% of the total investment. Might this be a challenge to you as you consider your part in the Athletic / Academic Center. If you would like to send a gift for this project, be sure to specifically designate it.