Torch, Fall 1980
4 Based on the 36% increase in student applications over last year, the 1980-81 enrollment is projected to be 1475 students. The 13th annual Cedarville College Pastors' Conference was held September 8-11. Dr. Ed Hindson, and Dr. Martin Clark, Director of Counseling at Cedarville College, were the featured speakers. Both men are noted experts in the field of counsel– ing. "The Family in Focus" was the theme. One phone per eight students is the capability of the completely computerized private phone system being installed on campus in October. The college-owned system features touch tone phones, call forwarding, and conference call capabilities. In July, over 100 Baptist Mid-Missions candidates and senior missionaries attended the 25th consecutive Candidate School held at Cedarville College. To keep up with increasing enrollment, the campus post office has installed 198 new student mail boxes near the entrance to the radio station. At Commencement the Class of 1980 presented to the College ten park benches to be placed in various locations north of the James T. Jeremiah Chapel. The 8th Annual Cedarville Baptist Open Golf Tournament was held September 11 and 12. Approximately 290 golfers com– peted for top honors in ten flights of competition. Dr. Clifford Johnson, Academic Dean, announced that full-time faculty retention for the 1980-81 school year is perfect. There are 62 full-time and 22 part-time faculty employed. Guest speaker at the President's Banquet for the 1980 graduating class was Dr. Tim LaHaye, pastor and author, of San Diego, California. His daughter, Lori, a Speech Communications major, is a member of the class. The campus copy center will take on a new look this fall when the offset printer will be replaced by an A. B. Dick 1600 copier system. The second annual "Salute to Summer" took place at Cedarville College July 10-12. This weekend, designed specifically for student recruitment, attracted over 600 potential students. The Yellow Jacket Club has approximately $7, 100 in scholarship monies to be distributed by the coaches of the 13 intercol– legiate sports for this academic year. Club memberships for the 1980-81 season are welcomed. Christine Wyrtzen returns to Cedarville on Friday, October 3, for a sacred vocal concert. The "Cedar What?" Banquet, hosted by the men of Alpha Chi, is scheduled for November 15. This banquet is the finale of several weeks of campaigning by faculty, and a mock election held for students during presidential election years. Intramural Coordinator, Mark McDougal, announces a new competitive activity for this fall: powderpuff flag football. Special speaker for the Fall Bible Conference was G. Michael Cocoris, Senior Pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, California. Pastor Cocoris is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, and served as an effective evangelist before entering the pastorate. Arrangements have been made with the Athletic Department to send all alumni "The Sting," a quarterly publication of athletic news and updates. Alumni Byron (68) and Libby (Ross 70N) Shearer were the leaders of a youth group missionary excursion to Jamaica. The team from Grace Baptist Church, Cedarville, survived the high winds and rain of Hurricane Allen unharmed. The Athletes for Christ basketball team reports God's blessing on their summer trip to the Philippines. Over 50 Filipinos accepted Christ as Savior during their five-week ministry there. The Athletes won all of their 32 games. The southeast corner of the gymnasium has been set off for use by Food Service to make room for student seating at mealtime. A doorway has been made into the gym. This is a temporary arrangement until the new Athletic/ Academic Center is completed. If you cannot return for Homecoming, mark Saturday, February 7, 1981, on your calendar as "Alumni Night" on campus. At 2 p.m. there will be an alumni reception, followed by the traditionally exciting Alumni vs. J.V. basketball game.
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