Torch, Fall 1982

10 May I say that the reason some churches do not grow is because the pastor is unwilling to delegate, and , in some cases, will not build a paid staff because he cannot share leadership . Such an attitude will doom any minister to time frustration and a limited ministry . PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS looked at the problem and some Biblical guidelines, let's consider some helpful suggestions for better use of our time. First of all, we must take time to plan and then establish priorities to carry out these plans. Our planning should be weekly, seasonal, intermediate, and long-range. Weekly planning for the following week can be done on Friday. And each day's plans and priorities can be reviewed. Seasonal planning involves quarterly planning for sermons, Sunday School campaigns, financial programs, and other occasions . Intermediate planning concerns the year, and long– range planning from three to five years, generally speaking . Such planning times should not only be personal, but should also involve the pastor's wife, staff, deacon board, and other involved persons. It is good to have an annual staff planning day or days . In carrying out our schedules , the help of a good secretary can 't be overemphasized. Incidentally, it is my opinion that the first and foremost person to add to the church staff is a good secretary. She can help the pastor with a legion of duties : typing , filing , scheduling , research , and protecting his time from such time-wasters as the telephone . It is also my experience , and that of many others , that a pastor needs to find a quiet, secluded place to do blocks of work, where the phone and unsolicited walk– ins will not hinder his prayer and preparation. Rarely will the formal pastor's study suffice for this because it is too public and accessible. I would further recommend that a pastor should do as many things as possible at fixed times, such as visiting regularly on certain evenings. It also is a great time– saver to have Sunday afternoon board meetings. This frees week nights for visitation and Friday night for "family night" with his own family. We pastors must also recharge our spiritual and physical batteries. Thus , it is helpful to go apart for a day or two occasionally just to spend time with our wives. Such times will send you back to the work with renewed plans and vigor for God! Though much more could be said , I trust all ofus will seek to be better time managers . As we pastors face this common problem , we , too, must say, "Physician, heal thyself."