Torch, Fall 1982

I n today ' s demanding world of high technology with the pressure to do it faster , better , bigger, and with less cost , how does a Christian husband and father cope? Over twenty years of engineering training and experience gave me the background for organizing , planning , and being task oriented. Five years of sales experience gave me the opportunity to become even more aware of the necessity to manage my time and , now being self-employed , I have a new awareness of time management. Time management involves planning , organizing for maximum results , setting priorities , delegating , and acting, all working together to obtain maximum efficiency whether it be in our work or at home. My responsibilities in the Booher family have included: fathering two children ; teaching Sunday School for 20 years; being a deacon , church treasurer, president of our local parent/teacher fellowship ; helping with school and church dinners ; participating in church visitation ; and operating a part-time business for 12 years. Therefore , time management has had to be a crucial part of my life . Yet, I can be very active and lose sight of why I am doing what I do. Well-planned activity is not to be the goal in itself, but only an efficient means to an end - that of performing duties that are God-honoring and are the obligations that I have accepted as a husband and father . The Bible is clear on how God expects us to carry out our responsibilities: "Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful " (I Corinthians 4:2) . "See then that ye walk circumspectly , not as fools , but as wise , redeeming the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5: 15, 16). Thus God wants me, as a Christian husband , father, and businessman, to faithfully make the best use each day of the 24 hours that He has allotted me . Some Ways To Better Manage Time Calendars. We always have a large calendar hanging by the kitchen phone with the family activities listed - doctor appointments, social plans, special family and recreational events, speaking engagements , and other happenings. With four adults in the home there can be a lot of activity to coordinate. In addition , several of us have personal appointment calendars that we can carry with us . We have found a calendar with one or two pages per day works well, giving plenty of room for the day ' s schedule and expenses . Experience has taught me that unless I write it down on a calendar, I probably will not get it done , whether it be work, a family related event, or even that "special date" with my wife . Schedules. Once I have a calendar full of appointments , I then schedule them. A schedule is merely a timed plan . Tasks that must be accomplished at a fixed time are noted and the other jobs are 5 scheduled into remammg open time slots. One important fact to remember is that the schedule is to help you - not become your master. Let your plans and schedule be flexible! Some events will change or be cancelled, others will be added , and even some emergencies will arise . Don't be a slave to a schedule , but let it be a guide and a goal . Be sure to schedule time for family fun , a date with your wife or daughter , time for planning , reading , and even some time for just nothing . Let me add that it is helpful to make two scheduled lists - "must do" and "should do ." The "must do" should include only those things that will cause my family or job to suffer if not accomplished . If you have scheduled a date with your wife and someone else asks for your attendance at that time you can say , ''I'm sorry , but I have scheduled other matters at that time and I will not be able to be with you. " In this case your "must do" schedule has been a help to you because time with your wife is just as or more important than most other events. The "should do" tasks will be completed as time is available, and you may find that some of these will melt away and thereby actually save you time in the long run. Objectives. How do we decide what goes on each list? It is a good idea to list objectives for your personal life , family life , social life , spiritual life , and business life. Keep in mind that we should give our ambitions to God (Proverbs 16:3) and that we have the obligation to accomplish objectives that coincide with His will for us. These objectives should be five-year long range , one-year short range listed by quarters , and immediate goals . Once we have set some objectives, written them down , and completed them , then we can have the joy of crossing them off the list! Consistency. This is very important , especially with regard to arising and retiring. I find that it is best to arise early , have my private devotions, engage in physical exercise, perform my daily duties , and retire at a scheduled time . I work more efficiently , sleep better, and I am able to use the time I have wisely . Seif-Discipline . To resist time wasters , you must have self-discipline. Television is a real robber of time and a mind polluter as well. I read recently that the average person in this country watches almost 30 hours of television per week . You can be sure that during that time little else of lasting value is accomplished . Time Pooling. If two tasks can be performed at the same time , you have saved time . Listening to the many fine Christian programs on radio can be entertaining, enlightening , and enriching . With all the new radios , stereos , and tape players , you can now listen while you jog , mow the yard , work in the home , or travel in the car. Also , plan your purchases at the local stores so that one trip suffices . Timesaving devices. An automatic telephone answering device will allow you to be away from your office, yet still receive calls . A pocket microcassette