Torch, Fall 1983

More Time For Work by Rebekah Coriell "A woman's work is never done." "Americans have more time-saving devices and less time than any other people in the world." N o doubt a majority of Christian men and women could relate to these statements. They accurately describe the state-of-the-art of work around the office or home-always plenty of work, but never enough time in a day to accomplish it all. The Bible, however, has good news. God states that there is enough time for anything He asks us to do. You see, God has already arranged a schedule for each of our days. Job 7: I states, Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth . Are not his days like the days of an hireling? The Psalmist agrees when he says, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord ... (Psalm 37:23). Then he adds that a good man .. .delights in his way. · Are you pleased with your everyday routine? The Bible teaches that the schedule God has planned for us includes enough time to do each task appointed. Ecclesiastes 3: 17 indicates this: There is a time for every purpose and for every work.