Torch, Fall 1983

I j HOMEWORK by Gene Kaercher & Nadine Terrill B ook reports. Research assignments. Math problems. Term papers. It all adds up to a lot of work for a high schooler. But why do it? For the grades , of course . But I believe there are other reasons - far more important. Homework is probably one of the least enjoyed forms of work for a high school student, and I' m no exception. Yet , I have come to realize that it teaches responsibility and glorifies God. This past year I had a teacher who counted grades on homework as 40% of our grade . She didn't use this as a method just to get her students to work, but as a tool to teach responsibility . She often said , "If you're responsible in the small things like a homework assignment, you 'II be responsible in the larger things of life." She also said, "If you're not responsible in the small things, how can you be responsible in the large?" Last year almost all the students in my class learned this concept, and we are more responsible because of it. I was also taught responsibility during my seventh and eighth grade years. It was not by a teacher , but by my father who was going to graduate school in the Air Force. He was an example to me of a person who is a responsible " homeworker." He believed that if one were patient and did his homework, he did not have to cram near the end at test time. I am sure that is why he did so well. I am proud of my dad. The most important reason for a student always to do his best at homework is found in I Corinthians I0:31 . The Apostle Paul says , Whether. therefore. vou eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do alt to the glon•of'God. "Whatsoever you do" surely applies to school work . Paul also said, And whatsoever ve do, do if heartilv. as to the Lord, and not unto men .... (Colossians 3 :23) . This means that, although students turn in assignments to the teacher , they should actually have done them for the Master Teacher . Verse 24 proves this out, .. for ve serve the Lord Christ. The Lord wants students to learn responsibility and to give glory to Him. This means work - often, homework. But that is o.k. with me, because I know that God is shaping me into the person He wants me to be in the future so that I can serve Him best and bring even more glory and honor to him. Gene Kaercher is a junior at Denbeigh Baptist Christian School near Washing– ton D.C. He was voted "Mr. Denbeigh" and is in the National Christian Honor Society. He is also an Eagle Scout and plans to attend Cedarville College. "Homework is a drudgery , a big bore. " If this is your attitude , I have some news for you. Homework can be fun, enjoyable, and rewarding' Allow me to share six things that have been a help to me over the last 12 years . Maybe they will also work for you. I. Approach homework with a positive attitude. God has given you the abilities of thinking and discerning ; use these to their fullest extent. I Corinthians 10:31 , Colossians 3:23. 2. Make a schedule and stick to it. Plan your time after school to include recreation , family chores and homework. I Corinthians 14:40. 3. Work in a quiet place, free from distractions and interruptions. Homework requires concentration. I Thessalonians 4: I I . 4. Do not worry about homework. After school , how often do you hear , " I can't see how I wil I be able to get it all finished. " Fretting wastes time and energy. Philippians 4:6 , I Peter 5:7. 5. Pray about it. Ask God to give you clarity of thought as well as an understanding of your homework . Philippians 4:6 . 6. Discuss your homework with Mom and Dad . They can usually help if you have a problem. Proverbs I :5. I have found that homework has built within me practical , biblical principles. First , I have learned to trust God. Instead of worrying about homework, I cas t my cares upon God, knowing He cares for me. Second , homework develops physical and mental discipline. It takes a great deal of self-control to sit down at a certain time and study. Finally , homework builds family unity and fellowship. I share with my family what I am learning , what I enjoy about school, what l do not enjoy , and problems I am facing at school. God has commanded us to study (ll Timothy 2: 15) . So let us view homework as another tool God is using to equip us to serve Him to the best of our ability both now and in the future. Luke 16: 10 says , "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much .... " Miss Ten·ill is a freshman at Cedarvi ll e College. She was valedictorian of her high school class , M. V.P. on the basketball team , placed second in Ohio in the Talents for Christ speech contest , and was first place winner in the ACSJ Speech Tournament. 19