Torch, Fall 1983

Laymen are not second class citizens! God created us for work and He equips us for the work He would have us do. Therefore , all of us should rejoice in the vocation we have for His glory. Praise the Lord for those who stand and preach . Rejoice as well for those who take those admonitions from the Word on Sunday and endeavor to apply them in the marketplace all week long . We will never reach a world for Christ from the pulpit but rather from the pews . The foot soldiers must take their places faithfully iq the trenches and on the front lines to snatch many from the jaws of eternal defeat to victory in Christ. At Cedarville College we count it a privilege to prepare young men and women to serve the Lord as laymen and preachers in this country and on foreign fields. The Christian has a major responsibility to discern his interests and abilities so as to determine how he might best serve his Master. Any ability we have is that which God has given to us . Therefore, we must use each of them in a timely fashion for Him . That may mean brain work or manual labor. It could be performed on a computer or an assembly line, in the classroom, the kitchen , the study, or the ball diamond. Evangelism must be a priority in our work. We do Work, Evangelism, and Excellence by Dr. Paul Dixon well to have a plan and a prayer list to reach those whom God has placed within our sphere of influence. But we must also do our work well if we are to be a consistent witness . Excellence should characterize everything the Christian does . We have neglected this important emphasis as a nation but also , unfortunately , in the Christian community . Carelessness, negligence , lack of attention to detail and quality have cost us economically in America. When the same is true for the Christian, we have lost our testimony . A Christian working on the auto assembly line will take pride that the finished product has that certain fit , finish , and feel. The Christian physician will master his science for his Creator and for his fellowman . The housewife who knows Christ places great value on tasks others may consider menial . Christian mechanics , carpenters, and attorneys should be the finest. We must never be satisfied with the status quo but we must always be thinking and working to improve ourselves. We are workers together with Him . Let's buy up the opportunity to evangelize our fellow employees and employers . But part of that witness is within the context of a job well done. Our theme for the 1983-84 college year is "His Best Requires Our Best." Surely that is true for all who work for Him .