Torch, Fall 1986
14 ITh' s . I 1s May urpr1se You ... MYTH - Most older people live in institutions such as hospitals and nursing homes. FACT - Slightly less than 4% of all persons over 65 live in institutions. MYTH -Older people are typically alone , abandoned by friends and family , living a bleak, lonely life. FACT - In the United States 80% of people over 65 live with someone else. Many live within one-half mile of their children. Moreover, 75% of senior citizens say they are not often alone. MYTH - After 65 the mind deteriorates and older people can expect to become senile. FACT - What dee Ii nes is speed of response, and nor– mally there is no change in the intelligence quotient. MYTH-Older people spend most of their time sitting around watching television. FACT - Surveys show that people over 60 spend less time watching television than people in their 20's. Today's senior citizens are busy keeping house, tend– ing gardens, enjoying hobbies, sports and many forms of recreation, and devoting countless hours of volunteer time to their families, churches, civic organizations , and community activities. MYTH - Senior adults are frail and infirm, burdened by numerous ailments. FACT - Emphasis on improved health care, good nu– trition, and adequate exercise have greatly increased life expentancy, and many older people remain phys– ically active and mentally alert into an advanced age . MYTH - Senior adults lose interest in the world around them . FACT - Senior adults are banding together in such local organizations as AARP, Foster Grandparents, RSVP, and state-wide groups such as Indiana's Federa– tion of Old Hoosiers and Gray Panthers. They are mak– ing their united voices heard in their efforts for commu– nity improvements. Regardless of Your Age Frank is glad that God saves older people as well as youngsters. He and his wife Ann had attended a liberal church for many years . Then one winter a pastor from a fundamental church in a nearby city came to start a weekly Bible study in their small town . As a young child, Ann had responded to the Gospel, but she had never had the opportunity to grow in Christ. She felt compelled to attend the Bible study and urged her husband to go with her. There Frank heard the plan of salvation, and his heart was opened to the claims of Christ. With joy and tears, Frank accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord. He and Ann showed forth their faith in baptism and became active members of the new, vibrant church that the Lord raised up from that small Bible study. Like Frank, aren't you glad that God saves senior adults as well as younger people? The plan is the same for all people regardless of age: " ... Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners" (I Timothy 1: 15). Have you repented of your sin and accepted God's provision for your salvation - Jesus Christ? For information contact: Harold Green ~ Vice President for Campus Ministries Cedarville College P.O. Box 601 Cedarville, OH 45314 God loves you and can give you abundant, eternal life - regardless of your age.
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