Torch, Fall 1993

I enthusiasm and enjoyment...with God and Mary may even find that talking the honeymoon never ends" (pp. 194- with the younger couple will help 195). them feel free to discuss their own /jff odY;lam ffie /jffk~ ~ w«ffi ~C/}~,e,j Returning to George and Mary, Eric and Allison, how might they glorify God in their marriages? They must begin by spending time together. Renewed courting and weekends away together may help refresh and revitalize their marriages. But there is more. They need fellowship and activity which will equip and enable them to glorify God in their marriages. It may begin as they memorize Scripture and read books together. George and Mary should assume a ministry they can carry out together. In many instances this can be done through their local church. It is possible that when a couple like Eric and Allison visit their church, George and Mary could be just what this young family needs while far away from their own loved ones. George marriage. Eric's desire to purchase a home is understandable, but maintaining his marriage is more important. He may not listen to Allison 's suggestion that he give up the second job to spend time with her and the girls, but if George were to befriend him and make the same suggestion (even as something he wishes he had done), it may carry more weight with Eric. George and Mary might volunteer to care for the girls occasionally so Eric and Allison could fellowship with other young couples in the church. Helping to salvage a young couple will do more for George and Mary than shuffling the contents of their investment portfolio in preparation for retirement. Eric and Allison are vulnerable, and their marriage must be built on something other than the past or a nice house. Local church involvement is critical in making a marriage one that glorifies God. A new town and a scaled-down lifestyle can provide opportunity to enjoy the important things of life, such as communication with one's partner and time with one's children. An hour or two may be available to the couple after the children are in bed. Time in the Word together and prayer, rather than surrendering to the TV, can result in life-long benefits to the marriage which will redound to the glory of God. Torch 9