Torch, Fall 2003

B ill Brown’s presidency at Cedarville University is just weeks old, and already the entire campus is buzzing with excitement and anticipation. The students, faculty, and staff are beginning to get to know Bill and Lynne Brown. They are beginning to understand their vision for Christian education. They are beginning to comprehend Bill’s abilities to articulate the proper role of Christians in a Postmodern society, and they are energized to be a part of what God is doing through Bill Brown and through Cedarville University. None of this surprises me, of course. From the first time I met Bill when he was president at Bryan College, I felt he was the man to move Cedarville University into and through the primary years of the 21st century. For me, it was as easy as A-B-C. You will need only a short time with Bill and Lynne to recognize their affections. Bill and Lynne are very affectionate people. They are affectionate with one another. They are affectionate with their children. But, unlike most people, their affections extend beyond their immediate family. The Browns exhibit affection toward people in general. This quality is rare. Many of us claim to love our neighbors. Some of us even exhibit that love through generosity or hospitality. Most of us demonstrate our love of others by praying for them. But with Bill Brown, the extent of his affection extends much further. Bill makes the effort to really know people. One of the most impressive aspects of Bill’s interaction with people is his ability to remember the names of people he meets. If you think that’s no big deal, try it yourself. How often we meet people and immediately forget their names! Not Bill. He makes the effort to remember names and details of life issues and struggles. That enables him to exhibit his affection for people and the battles they wage in a way that is so much greater than most of us. In fact, if you ask people who know Bill what they think of him, very often the first thing they will say is that they appreciate the fact that, even though they may have only recently met and have had few conversations, Bill knows their name. That seemingly small effort communicates volumes about Bill’s heart. He cares about people. He cares about their families. He cares about their struggles and trials. He cares about them enough to remember their names. This kind of affection is biblical. Jesus, his disciples, and the leaders of the early church took the time to understand the struggles of those they encountered. The examples are almost endless. Jesus demonstrated affection for Mary and Martha at the death of their brother, Lazarus. Jesus was concerned enough about Zacchaeus to share a meal with him. Philip took the time to get to know and explain the prophets to the Ethiopian eunuch. Paul understood and appealed to the religiosity of masses at the Areopagus. This demonstration of love is what ignited the spread of the Good News from Jerusalem throughout the known world in a generation. Bill Brown shares this trait of affection. He cares. And the people around him know it. But, as big as Bill Brown’s heart is, his brain may be even bigger. This man is bright. Again, you will need to spend only a very short time interacting with Bill on subjects such as philosophy, literature, art, and sociology before you recognize how smart he is. And, these are not even his areas of expertise. Remember, his degrees are in mathematics and theology. Bill is a scholar in every sense of the word. Bill is a voracious reader. He consumes written material like most of us do pizza and doughnuts. And, his reading covers a broad scope. He reads journals, and he reads novels. He reads news magazines and philosophical treatises. And, he retains the material he reads and is able to put it in a context that makes this knowledge usable and practical. But Bill is not only smart; he’s also quick. He’s able to respond to tough questions and difficult circumstances with both wisdom and wit. I don’t know about you, but to me this may be the most impressive aspect of Bill Brown’s brain. I can sometimes come up with just the right answer to those most difficult questions put to me. Unfortunately, it’s most often hours and sometimes days later. Bill Brown is a very rare combination. He is a professor, an able administrator, and a smart guy. He is a bright man. And, the people around him know that, too. Affection Brightness Fall 2003 / TORCH 15 Editor’s Note: Dr. Paul Dixon, chancellor of Cedarville University, names some of the qualities which he feels make Dr. Bill Brown the ideal choice for president of Cedarville University.