Torch, Fall-Winter 1998 optimized

~~_?)~ President Cedarville College la11esfiag in flte •e.t &eaerafioa 7 he campus has come alive again! After a relatively calm summer season, the students have returned and we are well underway in another exciting and blessed academic year. Our enrollment has increased to another record-2,664 students registered for the Fall Quarter, an increase of more than 100 from the same time last year. Our enrollment, bucking the trend of many independent colleges, continues to grow. And, it could grow even more were it not for our emphasis on moderate managed growth. It is becoming increasingly difficult to tum away ever-growing numbers of students. To help minimize that problem, we have invested in several projects to increase educational access to more of the committed, conservative Christian students who seek admission to Cedarville College. The most visible investment this fall was the $2.5 million renovation of the former chapel building into the Technology 2 Torch Resource Center. The building now includes several sorely– needed large classrooms, as well as rooms dedicated to computer instruction. In addition, the building's new computer labs Our greatest investment is in the lives, dreams, and futures of the young people who come to us looking for direction. allow our students greater access to technology tools, including the award-winning CedarNet campus computer network. Also included in the renovated Center is a commuter lounge– a place for our increasing numbers of commuter students to relax, study, and visit with one another. Other investments are taking shape at the far north end of campus where new baseball and softball diamonds are being constructed. And new dormitories, modeled after the McKinney– McChesney-Miter complex, are being constructed behind the Athletic Center next to Brock Hall. But our greatest investment is not in any of the buildings or facilities in use or under construction. Our greatest investment is in the lives, dreams, and futures of the young people who come to us looking for direction. Our greatest emphasis must always be on the effects our teaching, modeling, and mentoring have on the next generation of church, societal, and business leaders. This edition of Torch deals with our ability to influence contemporary cultures, with an emphasis on missionary enterprises in international settings. But the principles of these efforts are also applicable to the College's mission "to provide an education consistent with biblical truth." May God bless you as you invest in the lives of those in your sphere of influence.