Torch, Fall/Winter 2010

Fall–Winter 2010 | TORCH 33 Did You Know? Now 24 percent of the Centennial Library collection is in digital format, including e-books, e-journals, and e-media, in addition to more than 190 online databases. This resource list is brought to you by the staff of the Cedarville University Centennial Library. The Centennial Library serves the University community by providing print, media, and digital resources, as well as a wide range of information and instructional services. To learn more, visit or e-mail . Books All You Can Eat Joel Berg (Seven Stories, 2008) Christianity versus Fatalistic Religions in the War Against Poverty Udo Middelmann (Paternoster, 2007) The Colors of Poverty Ann Chih Lin (Russell Sage, 2008) Enough Roger Thurow (Public Affairs, 2009) God and the Welfare State Lew Daly (MIT, 2006) He Became Poor Christopher Franks (Eerdmans, 2009) Just Generosity Ronald Sider (Baker, 2007) Less than Two Dollars a Day Kent Van Til (Eerdmans, 2007) Making Poverty Personal Ash Barker (Baker, 2009) Money, Greed and God Jay Richards (HarperOne, 2009) Neither Poverty Nor Riches Craig Blomberg (Eerdmans, 1999) Nickel and Dimed Barbara Ehrenreich (Metropolitan Bks, 2001) Out of Poverty Paul Polak (Berrett-Koehler, 2008) Restorers of Hope: Reaching the Poor in your Community with Church-Based Ministries that Work Amy Sherman (Crossway Books, 1997) The Poor Will Be Glad Peter Greer (Zondervan, 2009) The Welfare of My Neighbor: Living Out Christ’s Love for the Poor Deanna Carlson (Family Research Council, 1999) Toward a Just and Caring Society David Gushee (Baker, 1999) What Every Church Member Should Know about Poverty Bill Ehlig (Aha! Process, 1999) When Helping Hurts Steve Corbett (Moody, 2009) Why America Lost the War on Poverty Frank Stricker (Univ. of North Carolina, 2007) Online Resources “Credit where it’s due: Morality, poverty and evangelicals” by Chuck Colson (March 15, 2010) its-due “A proper perspective of poverty and prosperity (Genesis 47:13–31)” by Bob Deffinbaugh and-prosperity-genesis-4713-31 “Speaking of social justice” by Ryan Messmore (Heritage Foundation, March 8, 2010) speaking-of-social-justice “Christians and poverty: A discussion guide” (Sojourner Magazine, 2007) poverty_toc.pdf Digging Deeper