Torch, Fall/Winter 2010

34 TORCH | Fall–Winter 2010 SCOTT HUCK | CEDARVILLE UNIVERSITY Creation Museum Founder Speaks at Cedarville Ken Ham, president and co-founder of Answers in Genesis and visionary behind the Creation Museum, spoke in chapel on August 31. His message centered on the authority of Scripture as the foundation for many contemporary issues we wrestle with today. Genesis 3 records the introduction of doubt when the serpent baits Eve saying, “Did God really say?” Mankind has been asking this question ever since with disastrous consequences. Following his chapel presentation, Ham spent time with students in the geology major, fielding questions and encouraging them about the impact they can have in their field of study. “It was an honor to have Ken Ham at Cedarville!” said Kristen Baechtle, a junior from Vestal, New York. “He has dedicated much of his life to young earth creation science, and it was exciting to hear him speak so definitively about the truth of Scripture. His visit reminded me that the Word of God is the lens through which we see the world, in our personal lives and in the scientific community.” Ham’s work with Answers in Genesis inspired Mark Hembry, a sophomore from Newton, Iowa, to pursue a degree in geology. “Hearing him speak in person was a privilege,” he said. “His message needs to be heard around the globe. It rightly challenges evolutionary dogma and promotes biblical thought in the sciences.” Ken Ham is a best-selling author of The Lie and Already Gone . He is an avid blogger and popular speaker. He also hosts a daily radio feature on more than 1,000 stations. He founded Answers in Genesis in 1994, and the Creation Museum opened in 2007. Campus News