Torch, Spring 1978

, 1\/ µT)TEpa, Kc... ,,qiovs, Kai Tas 0:5£/1.qias, 't.. JVOTai µov µa8T)TTJS ETvat. Kai ;vpov cn'.rrnv 1<ai EPXE•::Xt 6niaw , Jot µa8rin']s. Tl) yap E~ vµwv, 8(/1.wv TI 0 vxi npwTov 1<a8iaas 'f'T)q>isEt T+Jv 6an61 mapT.taµ6v ; 'iva µfinoTE, 8EvTOS cn'.rro :Y)(VOVTOS EKTEAfom, navTES oi 8EwpovvT .E1v cn'.rrc';>, /l.(yovTES oTt OvTos 6 6:v8pwT lEiv, Kai 001< 'iaxvaEv EKTEAfom. fi TIS ~a •vµ~aAEiv h(pc.p ~aatf..Ei Eis noAEµov OV) .lovAEVETm Ei 6vvOT6S EGTlV EV bEKa Xl ·0 µETa ElKOul XlAta6wv epxoµEvc.p en' l Tl cn'.rrov n6ppw OVTO), npm~Eiav one The Importance of Inspiration James T. Jeremiah, D.D. Dr. James T. Jeremiah believes that the writers of the Bible recorded precisely what God wanted revealed. In this article he explains that "Our basic affirmation is that in employing language, God saw to it that the right words were used in the right way at the right time." CHURCH history reveals that every age has its own doctrinal problems. The verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures has been thrown into the theological arena of our generation. Many years ago Dr. JamesOrr predicted that this would be true. That battle will have to be fought, if Imistakenot, in the first instance, around the fortress of the work and authority of Holy Scripture. A doctrine of Scripture adapted to the needs of the hour, harmonizing with the demands at once of science and of faith is perhaps the most claimant want at present in theology; but the whole conception of Christianity will get drawn in and many of the old controversies will be revived in new forms. 1 In this battle we have the fundamentalist on one hand who insists on a trustworthy Bible; and on the other, the liberal and the neo-orthodox, both promoters of the ecumenical movement who consider an inspired Bible not only to beof little importance, but rather a hindrance to a falsely– founded church union. In order to uniteChristendom in one great religious force, the inspiration of the Bible and resultant doctrines areby thesemen considered to be of little consequence: sincerity of attitude is a substitute for sound doctrine in order to make one church. This will lead to an ever– increasing dependence on centralized ecclesiastical authority and develop into a philosophy similar to that of the Jewish Sanhedrin where tradition and human reason, rather than theWord of God, became the basis for one's faith. The doctine of inspiration is of vital importance since there can be no Biblical infallibility and authority without it. If the Bible is not infallible, then we can be sure of nothing. The other doctrines of Christianity will then, one by one, go by the board. The fortunes ofChristianity stand or fall with an infallibleBible. Attempts to evade this conclusion can only lead to self-deception. 2 It doesmatter very much whether or not we have an inspired Bible. There can be no Christianity without it. THE BIBLICAL VIEW OF INSPIRATION What does the Bible actually teach regarding its own inspiration?"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works" (2Tim. 3:16). Themeaning of this verse has been summarized by Dr. Merrill F. Unger in the following words: