Torch, Spring 1978

Why Should I Read My Bible? RobertG.Gromacki,Th.D. The profit of Bible study is clearly described in this understandable exposition of 2 Timothy 3:15 and 16. Dr. Gromacki's comments tell why the Scriptures are necessary and what they do for the lives of men. IF aLittle League baseball player wanted to check on Babe Ruth's lifetime batting average or the number of home .runs that Johnny Bench hit in 1974, he would have to consult a major league baseball almanac. If a newwife wanted to prepare moo goo gai pan for her first month'swedding anniversary dinner, she would probably follow the directions in a Chinese cookbook. If an author wanted to compare synonyms, he would doubtless refer to his thesaurus. All of these books are profitable because they meet the readers' respective needs and have been written by acknowledged experts in various disciplines. However, the value of each book is limited to the purpose behind its composition. It would be foolish to look for recipes within a book on baseball statistics. To get information on a specific topic, a person must consult an authoritative book that deals with that particular issue. Why, then, are the Scriptures valuable? If a person wanted to knowwhat God demands of each man, itwould be logical to consult the Book written by Him. Only God can tell manwhat he must do to be right before Him and gain His heaven. In spiritual matters, it would be foolish and eternally disastrous to rely upon one's own opinion or to depend solely upon the views of other men. Since the Bible is the inspired or breathed-outWord of God, it is the only authoritative basisof faith and practice. Its spiritual profit can be seen in three areas. THE BIBLE IS PROflTABLE FOR SALVATION From observation of nature and the universe, man can know that God exists and that He is both intelligent and powerful (Rom. 1:19-20). From an analysis of his own personality, man can learn that God is a moral Person to whom he is responsible (Rom. 2:1- 6). However, in his sinful state, man has rejected and perverted those basic truths (Rom. 1:18, 21- 23). He stands condemned before a holy God because of who he is and what he has done. How then can he be saved? Paul wrote to Timothy,"And that from a child thou hast know the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. 3:15). TheScriptures are necessary and profitable because they alone contain the message of salvation. The Scriptures can tell menwhy they need to be saved. A knowledge of Scripture does not save, but it can "make one wise unto salvation." It can informmen about the holiness of God, the sinfulness of man, and the eternal judgment of God upon sinners. Paul said that "the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe" (Gal. 3:22). The Scriptures can tell men what they must do to be saved. The means of deliverance is "through faith." The religions of men declare that man must work for his salvation, but the Bible proclaims that man must trust whatGod has done. How can man know that this is the only method of salvation? The sinner must be told. Paul stated that "faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by theword ofGod" (Rom.10:17). The Scriptures can tell men in whom they should put their faith. Faith, by itself, has no value. The object of the faith manifests its validity. Faith for salvation from