Torch, Spring 1984

How Much Do You Really Know About Wills? A will is probably the most misunderstood common legal document in Ameri– ca. Many people think they know about wills but, all too often, at least half of what they think they know simply is not true. Some of the most frequently asked questions at my seminars are: 1. What really happens if you die without 4. When is the best time co write a will? a will? 5. How can I reduce the cost of writing a 2. Why should a person of modest means will? write a will? 3. Must an attorney write a will for it to be legal? 6. Can I pass on estate assets in a more confidential manner than by a will? IS A BEQUEST A PROPER GIFT FOR CEDARVILLE COLLEGE? Yes. Bequests are well received by the college because of the time and thought involved in making your gift. Also, a bequest reflects your faith in the future of Cedarville College and its ministry. We have enumerated only a few of the many questions people ask about wills. If you would like more information, send for our complimentary booklet, "Giving Through Your Will." We would value the opportunity to help you draft a will to meetyourneeds. If you have remembered Cedarville College in your will, please let us know and we can "thank you" now. RobertC. Auckland ---------------------------~rre~~~lannedGivi~- D Please send booklet "Giving Through Your Will." D I/We have already remembered Cedarville College in my/our will. Clip and mail today to: Mr. Robert C. Auckland Director, Planned Giving Cedarville College P.O. Box 601 Cedarville, OH 45314 Yellow Jacket Sports Camps D Boys' Soccer D Girls' Volleyball D Boys' Basketball D Girls' Basknball D Summer Enrichment Conference D Salute to Summer D Pastors' Conference D Church Music Conference D Cedarville Baptist Open 23