Torch, Spring 1986
3. To increase the student's awareness of the world of ideas and events which are influencing our contemporary culture, and to prepare the student to knowledgeably participate in our society. 4. To enable the student to develop sound critical and analytical reasoning. 5. To provide sufficient opportunities for students to practice the skills of communication. "We are particularly interested in the students beroming involved in their rommunities and havi11g interpersonal skills 11ecessary to be good neighbors. We wa11t them to have the ability to negotiate conflict in a Christian manner. They need to be responsible citizens who can communicate." Dr. James R. Phipps Chai rm an, Department of Communication Arts ''We provide the tools of analysis - how to think, how to evaluate knowl– edge in the light oftruth, how to apply the Word of God i11 a practical way, and how to make decisions wisely. " Dr.]. 1\lurrav 1\lurdoch Cha irman, Department of Socia l Sc iences and History "A.t Cedon;ilk l'z:e hod the opport11nity ro get im..'oh.:erl in o vc1riff)' of (lrtiz:iries th(lf fJ.':011lrl hot,·e req11ired more sperioli– zatio11 ar a lorf!.er 1111it,•nJity...l'ce had rhe theo1y i11 the dassroo111 r111rl thm hot,·e bem (lh/e to pmrtire ir ill'hile 0111 ro111peri11g ill'irh orher srhoolr {forensics} or ~ fJ!•hile 011 rhe srage i11 Alford A11dirori11111 {dmmaj. " (jarc Harker, <enior 7
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