Torch, Spring 1986

STABLE ENROLLMENT From 1978 to 1984, Cedarville College increased by 630 students, or 53 per– cent. The 1,815 students who started fall classes in 1984 represented the sixth consecutive record enrollment. Against the predicted trend of declining college enrollments, this was strong indi cation of continued interest in the quality of education offered. While the college drew students from 43 states and several foreign countries, Ohio, Michigan, NewYork, Indiana, and Pennsylvania contributed 74 percent of the student body . The college was full with 1,485 students in dormitories and approved off– campus housing and 330 commuters . Some prospective students comprised a waiting list for winter quarter. STRENGT H O F CHARACTER Every Cedarville College student professed faith in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. This brought a strong spiritual quality to the student body which was evident in the intensity of their studies, the enthusiasm of their rec– reation, and the compassion of their service to others. STRONG SPIRITUAL EMPHASIS At Cedarville, daily chapel was required of both students and faculty . The staff attended each Monday when Dr. Dixon addressed the entire college family. On other days fine speakers from around the country challenged the college family in spiritual areas. In keeping with the purpose of the college , each quarter began with a major Bible conference. Throughout the year, other conferences with a spiritual emphasis attracted youth and adults from off-campus, including Salute to Summer, which drew over 500 teenagers. Enrollment 1815 1730 1500 1185 1978 1980 1982 1984 "Our students tend to be more sensitive to the needs ofothers - more caring, more willing to reach out and offer help or assist– ance to people. I receive many comments from individuals in the community about how pleasant, dependable, and trustworthy they are. I hear that often . What we're seeing here is the outworking ofinter– nalized biblical values ." Donald Rickard Vice President fo r Scude ncServices "The chapel speakers have challenged me to become more zealous in my Christian walk. Godly men in various careers have preached the Word ofGod andhave shared biblicalprinciples. that have convicted me and have encouraged me. As I come to chapel with a willing and open mind, the Holy Spirit reveals life-changing truths that help me to experience a sweeterfellowship with Jesus Christ. " Kirk Fairhu rst, senior 11