Torch, Spring 1990
How to Study Your Bible and Get Something Out of It by Pastor William Bernhard, Jr. E ach year the Bible is the best seller in many countries; yet it remains one of the most unread books in the world. While people purchase expensive, leather-bound Bibles, many use them only on Sunday, allowing them to collect dust on a coffee table the rest of the week. Recently our church invited the hand– bell choir from Shepherds Baptist Ministries to our morning service. Shepherds ministers to those with limited mental capabilities, yet one of the men shared how Christ has totally changed his life. As he has memorized Scripture, his language, habits, and lifestyle have been revolutionized. This man ' s testimony reminded me of Psalm 19:7, "The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple" (NIV). The Word of God has made my friend "wise." Some might see him as "simple," intellectually speaking, but God has given him under– standing far beyond many "brilliant" intellectual scholars. When Jesus was asked a question, He often answered with phrases like, "It is written," and quoted from the Old Testament. When the Pharisees asked Him questions, He frequently countered with a penetrating question, "Have you not read?" or "Don 't you know?" (Matthew 12:3,5,7; 22:29-31 NIV) I often wonder what He would say to us if He visited our churches. Perhaps He would look at us with disappoint– ment and ask, "Haven't you read your Bible?" Many of the questions we have in life could be answered if we would study the Word of God. It is ironic that, while in our own fundamentalist movement we have such a high view of inspiration and authority of the Word of God, few people actually study this inspired book. Recently, a man in our church brought to the platform a large stack of Bibles he has collected since childhood. He showed us each one, told who had given it to him, and pointed out the obviously excellent condition of each. He had a Bible of every color and size, and some even had study notes, yet each had been read only occasionally other than in church. What about your Bible? Is it in that condition, too? How about deciding today that you are really going to get into your Bible. The Nike commercial puts it this way: "Just do it!" Here are some ways to get started. The Right Translation for You First of all, obtain a copy of the Bible that you enjoy reading. Are you com– fortable reading the English from the
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