Torch, Spring 2002

Visit to share your prayer requests regarding America’s continuing war on terrorism. Photo by Sue Chasnov Photo by Sue Chasnov 4 8 About Our Cover S pring 2002 V OLUME 24 , N UMBER 1 Nothing more closely resembles the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ than the gesture of reaching out to help those in need. We best serve Christ when we accept our personal responsibility to serve with compassion those He has placed within our sphere of influence. What’s Wrong with “My Neighbor”? 4 Campus News 16 National champs in women’s cross-country; forums on terrorism, creativity, and bioethics; nationally recognized scholars, teachers, and journalists visit campus; technology and facility updates ... here is what’s making news on campus. How to Have Christlike Compassion 8 Biblical compassion is a very deep experience. That’s where most of us miss it. Many go through life interacting with others on a very superficial basis. To display the compassion of Christ, however, means a willingness to suffer with those who are hurting. Features Spring 2002 / TORCH 3 Culture Wars 2 The theme of the 2001-2002 academic year is Transforming Culture with Christlike Compassion . The feature articles in this issue give practical advice on living out this ideal. Christ’s point in the parable of the Good Samaritan is that everyone can and should be a neighbor to anyone in need, regardless of their background or status.