Torch, Spring/Summer 2008

CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit #351 Greenfield, OH EvenTs 2O O8 ) S Summer Studies gives high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn college credit and experience Cedarville University life to its fullest — all in two weeks! June 14–27 Academic camps help students explore career options and see how their interests and abilities can be used in this world for Christ. t "SU %FTJHO $BNQ ‰ +VOF o t $SJNJOBM +VTUJDF $BNQ ‰ +VOF o t &OHJOFFSJOH $BNQ ‰ +VMZ o t 'PSFOTJD 4DJFODF $BNQ ‰ +VOF o t .VTJD $BNQ ‰ +VOF o t /VSTJOH $BNQ ‰ +VOF o t 1SFNFE $BNQ ‰ +VOF o t 4PDJBM 8PSL $BNQ ‰ +VOF o t 8SJUJOH $BNQ ‰ +VOF o :FMMPX +BDLFU TQPSUT DBNQT CVJME BUIMFUJD TLJMMT BOE UFBDI important, biblical life lessons. Team Camps t #BTLFUCBMM ‰ +VOF o CPZT +VOF o HJSMT t 4PDDFS ‰ +VOF o CPZT +VMZ o HJSMT Individual Camps t #BTLFUCBMM ‰ +VOF o CPZT +VOF o HJSMT t $SPTT $PVOUSZ ‰ +VMZ o CPZT BOE HJSMT t 4PDDFS ‰ +VMZ o CPZT BOE HJSMT t 7PMMFZCBMM ‰ +VMZ o HJSMT POMZ Day Camps t #BTLFUCBMM ‰+VMZ o CPZT BOE HJSMT t 4PDDFS ‰ +VOF o CPZT BOE HJSMT t 5FOOJT ‰ +VMZ o CPZT BOE HJSMT 5IF 4VNNJU 4UVEFOU -FBEFSTIJQ $POGFSFODF GFBUVSFT UFBDIJOH CZ TPNF PG UIF CFTU $ISJTUJBO UIJOLFST BOE TQFBLFST JODMVEJOH TFWFSBM $FEBSWJMMF GBDVMUZ NFNCFST BOE FRVJQT TUVEFOUT UP understand and defend the biblical worldview in today’s culture. June 8–20 for everyon e ! ( omeThInG