Torch, Summer 1978

Than s! To Christian Parents J. Wesley Baker Dear Mom and Dad, Now that I'm out of school, married, and settled down, it amazes me to think how much I took for granted while I was growing up. Yet much of what I am today has been shaped by your influence, Thank you for time h1 o p nt with me. You taught me how to read from Bible story books even before I went to school. Although I can't recite all the couplets from "A is for Angels" to "Z is for Zacchaeus", some of my earliest memories are of the nightly sessions with those books. You instilled in me a love for reading and learning. More importantly, you gave me an early love for God's Word . Thank you for tr together I appreciate those annual vacations to exciting, far– off places and the special one-day jaunts to interesting places. I realize that many of them were planned to teach me more about the things you wanted me to learn or the things in which you knew I was interested. Others were designed to give me an appreciation of God's handiwork in creation. Th k you for lr I recall the special things we did year after year which communicated a message of family togetherness, security, and belonging. They were often simple things: a favorite dessert we made together once a year, a night of games and popcorn, a special way of celebrating the holidays. Now they are all things I desire to pass along to my children. Than you, too, for ou criOc You provided me with the things I needed, besides obvious items, such as food and clothing, I remember the sacrifices which were a reflection of your special love. They were gifts designed to help me develop talents you knew were waiting to be nourished. Perhaps the most important indication of sacrifice was your encouragement when I decided to attend a Christian college– even though I had a scholarship at a state school much closer to home. Surely the Lord has blessed that personal sacrifice. It demonstrated a willingness to follow His leading. Thank you most of all for your concern. You cared about my spiritual growth. I can't imagine what my life would be like without the central place our church has had all these years. It was in Sunday School that I was saved and in the church's sanctuary that I was baptised. It was in a Sunday morning worship service that I dedicated my life to God's service. 7 The tasks you urged me to accept were all important in teaching me responsibility. These opportunities gave me a desire to be active in church. The lessons learned have become a part of me. The Lord can use them as I serve Him now. There are so many things I should thank you for, but I could never list them all. There's no possible way of ever repaying you for all that you have given to me. However, I can pass along these lessons, traditions, and opportunities to your grandchildren. They are gifts from you that I can share with them. Your loving son, . Jim