Torch, Summer 1979

12 Larry S. Helmick Many scientists today believe that the Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. These scientists support their beliefs by citing the results of several dating methods which produce very old ages for different types of materials. The evolutionary theory, of course, requires that the Earth be extremely old to provide sufficient time for the process of evolution to occur. Consequently, dating methods which produce an old age for the Earth are often assumed by these scientists to be valid because they agree with the evolutionary theory. On the other hand, the Bible seems to indicate that the Earth was created recently, possibly less than 10, 000 years ago. In this "scientific age," can a Christian place his confidence in the Bible when such tremendous and basic discrepancies between science and the Bible seem to exist? The answer, of course, is, "Yes, we can have absolute trust in God's Word." There is no conflict between the Bible and science. Scientists studying these same dating methods from a biblical perspective have discovered that the evolutionists frequently interpret their data to fit the theory of evolution. It is possible for scientists to account for the observed facts even if the Earth is actually very young. Perhaps a careful look at some experimental data in an area with which we are all familiar will help illustrate this point Let's consider the rate of growth of stalactites in limestone caverns and see how it relates to the problem of determining the age of the Earth. Before looking at this example, it should be explained that we are not using science to "prove" the Bible. The Bible stands on its own. It does not need to be proven by science. Instead, we an~ demonstrating that these dating methods can be interpreted in a way that is both scientifically acceptable and in agreement with the biblical account. Evolutionists generally assume