Torch, Summer 1979

In Science BIBLE CENTERED Purpose of the department is _to enhance the student's ability to think orderly and clearly through the use of scientific and mathematical techniques and by approaching science and mathematics as God's revealed truth . The department seeks to help the student appreciate the facts of creation as studied in the biological and physical sciences. QUALIFIED FACULTY Nine faculty members with diverse fields of expertise. Five have earned doctorates. SEVERAL MAJORS Majors available in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medical Technology. Preparation for secondary teachers in all areas of Science and Mathematics. Individual programs may be tailored for a variety of needs, such as pre-nursing, pre-pharmacy, pre-medicine, and pre-engineering. MODERN SCIENCE CENTER. The department is located in the Science Center. Completed in 1973, this 24,000 square foot building contains 9 fully equipped laboratories, five classrooms which implement course work in all areas of the field, a computer terminal, a dark room and an observatory, constructed independently of the building, having a 16-inch reflecting telescope .