Torch, Summer 1981

12 MUSIC: A Ministry to Win Others by Charles M. Pagnard C an a Christian be a professional musician in today's secular world of music? How can music be used as a tool for witnessing for Christ? These questions are topics that can stir up strong feelings among today's evangelicals. Yet, as a trained Christian musician who has worked hard at the trade, there is no doubt in my mind that God has a work and a witness for the Christian musician. I started professional work while I was still in high school. A four-year music scholarship paid my way through Bowling Green State University, and as a money-making sideline, I played in a rock band that became successful and eventually toured with a number of famous rock performers. Although I was saved at that time, my Christian life was weak. Any guilt that I had about what I was doing was easily overcome by my insatiable love for playing the trumpet. With the excitement of standing before 16,000 to 17 ,000 rock fans, I allowed public per– formance of this nature to take first place in my life. But God faithfully persisted in bringing conviction to my soul. I realized that the men with whom I played did not represent Jesus Christ in either their music or their personal lifestyle . As a part of this band, I could not fully take my stand for Christ. After a period of agonizing struggle with the Holy Spirit and with much intercessory prayer from family and friends, I finally relented and humbly confessed my backslidden state .