Torch, Summer 1982

15 ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE OUR TORCH STAFF! I have wanted you to meet the TORCH staff for some time now. I believe that this issue on media provides just the right opportunity. I want you to see the faces behind all the effort and give you an indication of how TORCH is produced each quarter. It is a lot of hard work! Ron Coriell is our managing editor. Ron directs the overall, day-to-day production of the TORCH. He secures the authors , edits the manuscripts, and writes copy. The TORCH is part of his full -time work for the college as public relations director. In addition, he teaches part time and is the author of a series of 24 children's booklets . Irene Gidley and Virginia Taylor are our associate editors . They edit and proofread all TPRCH copy. This necessary job is in addition to the regular work they do for the college. All of us pitch in to try to eliminate mistakes prior to publication. Let me say that Virginia and Irene are exceptional at this! Martha Baldwin is our typesetter. When the Lord allowed the college to purchase our Mergenthaler CRTronic typesetter, Martha agreed to set aside her secretarial duties and to learn how to use this marvelous computer. Now , because of her newly acquired skills, the college is able to typeset in-house nearly all its literature at a great cost savings - and this includes the TORCH . • •••••••••• ••••••••• •I••••• ----- . Sheryl Liddle is our campus photographer. Teaming up with our artist's graphics, Sheryl 's camera artistry has done an excellent job of illustrating the TORCH articles. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then Sheryl's work says a mouthful each issue. Cedarville's media presentation The Excellence Experience was put together by Sheryl. Sue Larson is our graphic artist. Sue designs, lays out , and pastes up the TORCH. Much of the TORCH 's appeal is visual, and the sparkling quality of our other Cedarville College literature comes as a result of Sue ' s creative expertise . She is also the set designer and stage manager for the college drama productions.