Torch, Summer 1983

18 that he is a forgiven sinner by forgiving others when they wrong him and by seeking to resolve conflicts with others. Share with your disciple the importance of confessing sins and claiming God's forgiveness on the basis of I John 1:9. Go over steps to take in order to help him resolve personal conflicts he may have with another person. Have him read David Augsburger's book The Freedom of Forgiveness (Moody Press) . 5. Prayer. Goal: The disciple will demonstrate a consistent prayer life by praying daily for a minimum of ten minutes and by confidently participating in group prayer. Pray with him during your meetings together. Show him how to keep a prayer notebook which records requests and answers. Share your answers to prayer with him. Motivate him to pray more by having him read E .M . Bounds' Power Through Prayer (Baker), R .A. Torrey's The Power of Prayer (Zondervan), Andrew Murray's With Christ in the School of Prayer (Revell) , and TORCH magazine , Spring 1982 issue. 6. Personal Testimony. Goal: The disciple will write out his testimony of salvation and share it with two non-Christians within one month. Share your testimony with him . A general outline to follow in writing is: (I) Life before Christ , (2) How you became a Christian, and (3) Changes in your life that took place after you became a Christian. Take him witnessing with you either on door-to-door evangelism or campus evangelism. Some books to encourage him in this area include: Paul Little's How to Give Away Your Faith (IVP) , Dawson Trotman 's "Born to Reproduce" pamphlet (NavPress), and Robert Coleman's The Master Plan of Evangelism (Spire). 7. Memorization of Scripture. Goal: The disciple will begin a systematic program of memorizing Scripture and developing an adequate review system. Challenge your disciple to memorize two verses a week. Review verses when you meet each other. Have him write the verses on cards and put them in a prominent place so that he can review them during the day. A good systematic approach to memorizing Scripture is NavPress 's The Topical Memory System. 8. Priorities and Use of Time. Goal: The disciple will use his time wisely by forming and following a schedule. Show him how to budget his time. Have him write out his most important priorities and encourage him to evaluate these in the light of God's Word. Have him read Tyranny ofthe Urgent (IVP), and Ted Engstrom 's Managing Your Time (Zondervan). 9. Giving. Goal: The disciple will learn the importance of being a good steward of the money God has provided and will give regularly to the Lord's work . If your disciple does not know how to develop a budget , show him how. Motivate him to share God ' s blessings by meeting other people's financial needs . Encourage him to give regularly to his local church. Wayne Watts' The Gift of Giving (NavPress) is an excellent book on this subject. 10. Christian Fellowship. Goal: The disciple will attend and actively participate in a local church. Take him to church with you and introduce him to some of your friends. Share the "one another" responsibilities listed in Scripture. Help him find opportunities to serve at church. Some books to give him include Gene Getz's Bu ilding Up One Another (Victor) and The Measure of a Church (Regal). All these training objectives are guidelines to help you measure the growth of your disciple. Other topics you might want to discuss with him are: the will of God, purity in dating, self-acceptance, the tongue, going through trials, world vision , and discipling others. Some excellent resource books on how to disciple include: Leroy Eims' The Lost Art o,f Disciple Making (Zondervan), Gary Kuhne's The Dynamics ofPersonal Fo llow-up (Zondervan), and Walt Henrichson's Disciples Are Made -Not Born (Victor). The Great Commission will be accomplished only as we get involved personally in discipling others. Let 's strive to "present every man perfect in Christ Jesus ... " (Colossians 1:28). Will you accept the challenge? Will you disciple someone? •