Torch, Summer 1983

Is YourWill Outdated? Your responsibilities and your aspirations are constantly changing . Perhaps your children are grown , or you've acquired more property , or your parents have become dependent upon you. Unless your will also changes, it cannot accurately reflect your current situation. Probably the main reason for writing your will was to provide for your family's future security. Most likely you were very concerned about naming a guardian in case your children should lose both parents . But now, if those children are grown and independent, there is no need to name a guardian or to set aside funds for college educations. You might want to consider diverting some of your estate to someone else who has become dependent upon you , to your church, or to Cedarville College . Likewise , your financial picture has probably changed over the years. You may have disposed of property bequeathed in your will, or you may have acquired new property that you would like to leave to a particular person. You may even have become so prosperous that you can provide for y_our family and still include gifts to special friends , your church, and Cedarville College . In any case , your will should be reviewed and possibly updated to reflect these new conditions . And, of course, state laws governing wills , contractural agreements, and related taxes may be changed at any time . The 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act altered the federal estate and gift tax system and changed the outcome of many estates. Since your attorney stays abreast of changing laws , it is wise to have him or her review your will periodically and incorporate necessary changes. Also , if you move out of state, have an attorney in your new state review your will . Laws governing wills vary . When you decide to change your will, consult an attorney . An improperly inserted change could invalidate your entire will. Some changes can be made with a simple amendment, while others require rewriting part or all of the will. The free booklet offered below suggests more situations in which it would be wise to review and possibly update your will . Send for your copy today , or write for specific information . . . . . .. .. . ......... . ... . .. . .. . . . . . ...... . . . . . . .. . .. . ..... .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . ........ . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . ..... . .... . .. . ...... Clip and Mail Today Please send me my copy of "Better Estate Planning." Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Address Phone ,___~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DateofBirth~(M-'=-'r.~)~~~~~~~~~~~~<M==-=rs~. )'--~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 I have already remembered Cedarville College in my will . Mail to: Office of Planned Giving, Cedarville College, Box 601 , Cedarville, OH 45314