Torch, Summer 1983

5 In----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third , it purifies the discipler. One never knows his weaknesses until he starts committing himself to another individual. When weaknesses surface, the discipler has to deal with them if he wants to continue his ministry. Fourth , it is important to the church . A discipling ministry produces and develops leaders . Passing the baton to the next generation so that God's work doesn ' t stop is critical. T: How does one select a person to disciple? H: Paul didn't say to commit yourself to slothful men , but to faithful men . One needs to determine a person ' s heart for God , a person ' s availability in terms of time , and a person ' s teachable attitude. Does the person really want to grow? Does the person really want to know God? Is the person a listener? Is the person concerned about being holy? Of course , I do not mean that a person has to be perfect in every area . I might add that I don ' t necessarily look for a person who is of like personality or who has similar interests , although that would help . T: How many should one disciple? H: That's a good question. The number of people to disciple is determined by two things: time availability and the experience of the discipler. While I was working with a Christian organization on a college campus, that was my job , so I was able to disciple about ten different men. But when I went to seminary , I discipled only three or four. Time is a factor. Experience is also important. If one has never discipled someone before, I' d recommend that he meet with one individual , perfecting and building him up in Christ. I'd also recommend co-leading a small group of men and women with someone else who is also desirous of di scipling others. That way the two are a team and can work together . One can support the other in that ministry , and it's not as threatening. T: When is it time for a disciple to graduate? H: There are several things I've looked for in an individual who is ready to leave the nest. One is consistency of life - visible growth in spite of periodic stumbles. Second , I look for stability in the area of Bible doctrine or teaching . Paul exhorted the Ephesians not to be children who are easily tossed to and fro by every doctrine that comes along . Third, I need to sense a servant's heart. If I discern that an individual does not have a desire to give of himself to people, then that is a major area that needs to be developed before I would cease discipling . Fo.urth , the individual has a love of people. And, finally , the individual should know the mechanics of discipling others. T: Would you recommend a set program or one tailored to each person's needs? H: There is a series of steps that I go through in determining the content I use in my discipling ministry. I determine the breadth of topics that could be covered, and the breadth is pretty vast - from forgiveness of sins to spiritual gifts . Then I discern the individual