Torch, Summer 1989

--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exeellenee Demands that We ' Christians Mind Our Manners E verything done in the name of Jesus Christ ought to have quality stamped all over it! That includes the Christian 's commitment to manners. Good manners flow out of a value system that strives for quality and excellence. Why should we be concerned about doing things well? Because our God has modeled that emphasis. When He created, He beheld seven aspects of that by Dr. Paul Dixon President, Cedarville College It matters little how excellent our actions are if there has not been a change in the inner man throuuh the work of regeneration. creation and seven times declared, " It is good." The new Berkley translation renders Genesis 1:31, "God saw that everything He had made was excellent indeed. " In the New Testament Christ was excellent in everything He did. Mark 7:37 states, "He has done all things well." The greatest demonstration of His excellence was on His cross at Calvary when He died for our sins, experienced our hell, satisfied the demands of God, and cried, "It is finished! " It matters little how excellent our actions are if there has not been a change in the inner man through the work of regeneration. This is only possible when we are willing to face up to our sins, have a change of heart and mind about the way we have been living and displeasing God, and personally receive His Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior. " ... except ye repent, ye shall all