Torch, Summer 1993

Dinosaur reconstruction by Buddy Davis. 12 Torch by John Whitmore mosaurs were a popular subject long before this summer 's release of the blockbuster movie Jurassic Park. One of the first stops a child makes at the local library is in the dinosaur section. These beasts have captured the attention of everyone since their fossilized remains were first found in the early 1800's. Of course, most, if not all, of the books our children bring home from the library are written from an evolutionary perspective. Have we been duped into believing the evolutionary theory that dinosaurs supposedly lived millions of years ago, long before man came onto the scene? Does the Bible have anything to say about dinosaurs? What should we teach our children about them? How long ago did the dinosaurs live? When and bow did they become extinct? These are just a few of the questions we need to know the answers to when our children get caught up in dinosaur mania. Scientists who study dinosaurs have two opposing theories. One group, the evolutionists, teach that dinosaurs lived and died millions of years ago and did not live with man. Most believe they became extinct when a large asteroid hit the earth about 65 million years ago. The evolutionary theory contradicts what the Bible teaches. The other group, the creationists, believe dinosaurs were created with man about 6,000 years ago and became extinct shortly after Noah's Flood.