Torch, Summer 1993

The Creator God llB ubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble: How life learned to live-Science: Pop! A new theory of Genesis." The title of the July 19, 1993 article by Sharon Begley in Newsweek grabbed my attention. Over 400 researchers met earlier this summer in an International Conference on the Origin of Life. One new theory suggests that "frothy, filmy, iridescent bubbles of seawater served as life 's delivery room." Begley reminds the reader that "bubble or comet, deep-sea vent or volcano, wherever the ingredients of life first evolved, combining them into something fully alive still seems madly improbable. Fred Hoyle, the British astronomer, once said the event is about as likely as assembling a Boeing 747 by sending a whirling tornado into a junkyard." It takes more faith to believe the theories of evolution than to accept the biblical truth that God created. Genesis 1:1 is emphatic: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Exodus 20:11 2 Torch President Cedarville College declares: "In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is." Our belief system is fatally flawed unless we get started right in Genesis with our God- the Creator God. The Creator God is in control. He is sovereign from the beginning until now. The devastating midwestern floods of the summer of ' 93 did not catch Hirn by surprise. The same is true for hurricanes Andrea and Hugo. He knows. He is working a plan. He is declaring His power. Man cannot stand in his inadequate ingenuity. The Creator God reveals His strong and mighty hand. The Creator God gives victory and comfort out of His power. Two of our fine young ladies who are students at Cedarville College are battling leukemia at this moment. Their hope is in this God. He is the One to whom we tum in prayer. The Creator God gives eternal life to all who will receive it. I met Frank Pastore when he pitched for the Cincinnati Reds in the '80s. He was an agnostic evolutionist until he read The Genesis Flood by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris. Frank then concluded that God was the Creator God and soon turned to His Son Jesus Christ and trusted Him as his Savior. This Creator God is our God as a college. He is the God of our trustees, administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The Cedarville College doctrinal statement clearly states, We believe in the six-day account of creation, that the creation ofman lies in the specia~ immediate, and formative acts ofGod and not from previous existing forms of life. Genesis 1:26,27; 2:7- 9,16,17; 3:1-19. We often say that the only way we can explain all that has happened and is happening at our college is God- the Creator God!