Torch, Summer 1996
m. lBolthouse lFrurms, Inc., --ep:resents in many ways the best in a compruiy iliat has flourished under the free enterprise system. Most notably, ilie Boliliouse family has exercised tlleir freedom witlrin the system to p:rac' ice Christian stewardship. Bohhouse FarITTs is the second largest producer of carrots in the United States. Their products, produced in California and Michigan, are available nationwide. TORCH recenely interviewed the cunent president and CEO, William J . Boliliouse. lH e and Mrs. Bolthouse we1re awarded the Ceda-ville College Medal ofHonor:n October 1995. 6 Torch TORCH: When and how did your business get started? )Z lf!L My grandfather started the business in Western Michigan around 1915 when he and my grandmother were truck farmers and sold most of their produce through the Grand Rapids Wholesale Market. My father continued the family farm and in 1973 added production in California. I represent the third generation to run the business. Andre Radandt, our son-in-law and husband of Lisa, is the fourth generation involved in the business and has been with the company for three years. TORCH: What principles or philosophy of business have developed at Bolthouse Farms? states: The purpose of this company is to glorify God through our business transactions, our work, and our relationships. It is further our desire to bring honor and glory to the Name of Jesus Christ by following God's Word in all of our dealings with employees, suppliers , and customers . God's Word as contained in His inspired Scriptures will be the final authority in all corporate matters concerning direction, decisions, and disputes. Our Corporate Mission Statement states: We are a market driven, fully– integrated produce company. We are innovative in agriculture and packing technology. Within
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