Torch, Summer 2000
Torch 11 F riends of the University who have already given toward this project have offered a $500,000 challenge to help complete the Student Life Center funding. Their challenge works this way: they will make an additional gift of $500,000 if other donors make gifts and giving commitments that bring the campaign total to $20.5 million by the end of this year. Our friends offering this challenge wish to remain anonymous. They believe in Cedarville’s mission, and they understand how important the Student Life Center will be in accomplishing that mission in the lives of thousands of students. Their motivation in offering the challenge is to encourage others to give generously to Cedarville for the Student Life Center. The Student Life Center is a $21 million project, and the campaign total now stands at $19.1 million. Consequently, we need $1.4 million to qualify for the $500,000 challenge grant and thereby complete this project.
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