Torch, Summer 2004

4 11 8 About Our Cover SUMMER 2004 V OLUME 26 , N UMBER 2 Daily chapel programs and the integration of Scripture across the curriculum help provide the biblical foundation needed for Cedarville University students to effectively engage the culture with the heart and mind of Jesus Christ. Engaging the Culture with the Mind and Heart of Christ 4 Campus News 14 Bible Minor Revised 8 All Cedarville University students carry the equivalent of a Bible minor. Why? To ensure each student has the framework to think and act “Christianly.” Features Light in the Darkness 2 Great things are in store for Cedarville University. What we anticipate are both opportunities for greater effectiveness in our mission and challenges to our faith and walk. Disgust or distress? How you react to the culture has an effect on your engagement with that culture. Dr. Bill Brown reviews the biblical response to offensive cultural reality. Remember to register to vote and cast your ballot on Election Day! Summer 2004 / TORCH 3 Many exciting campus events and the accomplishments of students and faculty are reviewed in this issue’s Campus News. Moving In Is A Family Affair 11 CU faculty and staff members volunteer their time to ease the trauma of parents delivering their students to campus.