Torch, Winter 1979

' Bailard, Thomas E.; Biehl, David L.; and Kaiser, Ronald W. Personal Money Management. Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., 1977. This textbook deals with all aspects of money management, including budgeting, insurance, saving and borrowing. Bowman, George M. Here's How to Succeed With Your Money. Chicago: Moody Press, 1960. This book points out the necessary steps to becoming a faithful steward with your money. Burkett, Larry. Your Finances in Changing Times. n.p.: Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc., 1975. The author of this book describes the changing economy as received through God's Word, as well as looking at God's principles for handling money. Dayton, Howard L.,Jr. YourMoney: Frustration or Freedom? Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1979. A Biblical guide to giving, earning, saving, spending and investing. Ford, George L. All The Money You Need. Waco, TX: Word Incorporated, 1976. A guide to Christian financial planning. Hollis, Allen. The Bible andMoney. New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1976. This book examines portions of scripture in reference to money and helps the reader arrive at a "theology" of money. Johnson, Richard L. Supertrade. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers, 1976. A story of an executive stockbroker who committed his life to Christ, which caused him to look at investing from a Christian standpoint. Knight, James A For the Love of Money. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1968. Written by a doctor, this book examines man's behavior when dealing with money. It analyzes money management and the behavior of different age groups under different circumstances. McLean, Gordon. Let God Manage Your Money. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1972. Aguide to Biblical principles to spending, giving and multiplying your money. Otis, George. God, Money and You. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1972. The story of a millionaire who has learned the secret of stewardship: "How do I use my money for God's work?" Porter, Sylvia. Sylvia Porter's Money Book. New York: Avon Books, 1975. A number one best seller on how to earn money, spend it, save it, invest it, borrow it and use it to better your life. Raihall, Denis T. Family Finance. n.p.: Educational Associates, 1975. A discussion of the life-long process of personal money management, a process which increases in complexity as individuals mature and their financial responsibilities grow. Re~se, Harold. Overcoming Financial Bondage. Stone Mountain GA: Cross Roads Publications, Inc., 1975. A CPA examines the subject of money in relationship to financial bondage, which confronts every business, individual and family. Taylor, Jack L., Jr., and Troelstrup, Arch W. The Consumer in American Society. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974. This is a textbook outlining the basic responsibilities of consumers in our society today. Young, Amy Ross. It Only Hurts Between Paydays. Denver: Accent Books, 1975.A story about a young Christian couple who got into financial difficulties and how a Christian financial counselor helped them get out of debt. Bibliography compiled and annotated by James E. Seaman, Ph.D., an Associate Professor in the Business Department at Cedarville College. Note: Inclusion of a book on a TORCH bibliography does not necessarily mean that all of the views of its author are endorsed by Cedarville College. Books that the editors and annotators feel could be helpful to our readers are listed, but all books should be read with discernment, comparing the author's views with the teaching of Scripture. Correction Two books were mistakenly included in last quarter's bibliography under the heading "Commentaries and Encyclopedias." Neither the Broadman Bible Commentary nor Barclay's New Testament Words should have been listed. We apologize for any misunderstanding their inclusion may have caused. 7