Torch, Winter 1981

Athletic/Academic Center .A.s the construction of the new Athletic/Academic Center con– tinues , some people may ask, "Why does the college need a new gym?" It is true that the present gymnasium, con– structed in 1964, has met the needs of the college over the years . However , recent rapid growth in student popula– tion has forced the college board of trustees to make some hard decisions. One was to proceed with the construc– tion of the new A/A Center. This deci– sion was made in spite of the anticipat– ed difficulties in securing funding . The reasoning behind their deci– sion clarifies the need for the new building: - Our cafeteria was last expanded in 1967 when enrollment was 822, compared to the enrollment of 1500 for 1980. - The heavy use of the facilities by our traditionally strong physical education and intercollegiate athletic programs for men, com– bined with the high interest in our newer women's programs (an area unheard of when the present facility was constructed), taxes our present gym facilities to the fullest. - scheduling difficulties for the gym are even more evident when one considers the strong intramu– ral sports program that involves 80% of the student body . - offices for various campus or– ganizations are practically non– existent. - Limited areas for student sociali– zation are available in only a few . . of the dormitories, and those are with limited hours . - overcrowded and inadequate fa– cilities have become prevalent in several academic areas . Faculty offices are in short supply . Along with the increased enrollments, added classes in new majors compound the situation. On the one hand, there was a con– servative solution to the problem fac– ing the College: simply retain the pres– ent level of facilities and limit enroll– ment. On the other hand, there was a bolder solution: expand the facilities and allow the greater number of quali– fied young men and women seeking a high qual ity Christian education at Ce– darville College to be admitted . The trustees determined that the College would not be content to maintain the status quo. Instead they took a giant step forward--surely a step of faith and dependence on our great God , but one which would be the most comprehen– sive remedy to our growing pains . Annual Missionary Conference T wo exiting speakers have been scheduled for the Annual Mis– sionary Conference, January 11-16 . Dr. Donn Ketcham is a medical doctor serving in Bangladesh since 1963. He is the son of the late Dr. Robert T. Ket– cham , one of the original organizers of the G.A.R.B. Dr. Donn 's engaging story-telling and inspirational mission– ary challenge will bless the hearts of the entire college family . Dr. J . Don Jennings is currently the International Director of Enrich– ment and Evangelism with the Associ– ation of Baptists for World Evan– gelism. God's blessing on Dr. Jen– ning's ministry is evident. In his last pastorate , church attendance grew from 240 to a high of 1,382. Today God is richly using Dr. Jennings in as– signments in the United States and around the world . He along with Dr. Ketcham should provide an inspira– tional week of meetings for Cedarville College.