Torch, Winter 1985
6 A COMMITMENT to the plan of God is a requirement as well as a re– sult of Biblical meditation . "My hands also will I lift up unto thy com– mandments which I have loved and I will meditate in thy statutes" (v. 48). One does not become a Christian without soon realizing he is facing opposition. Meditation in the Word of God helps the believer to be a CONQUEROR in the spiritual war– fare of the day. "Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause: but I will meditate in Thy precepts" (v. 78). The word of God brings CONVIC– TION . "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee" (v. 11). When the Word of God is treasured in the heart of the be– liever, it will keep him from sinning. It warns him of sin's character and consequence . It causes him to love the Saviour who does not counte– nance sin. problems. Christians have problems, and many of them may be answered by meditation upon the Word of God. "Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counselors" (v. 24). A sense of COMPLETE SECU– RITY is encouraged as we meditate upon what God has provided for us in the present and promised us for the future. This is an era in which so many are looking in every direction to find security. Verses 114, 117 state, "Thou art my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Thy Word ." "Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe : and I will have respect unto Thy statutes continually." The Word of God brings COM– FORT. Almost every day we live, we face sorrow. Though the Christian sorrows, he sorrows not as others without hope. "Thou has caused me to hope . This is my comfort in my affliction for Thy Word hath quick– ened me" (vv. 49,59). One writer Surely, we will never find time to meditate. We must take time. The knowledge of the Word of God will change our way of living. It results in CONVERSION. "I have chosen the way of truth" (v. 30). "The law of the Lord is perfect, con– verting the soul" (Psalm 19:7). When the truth of God is applied, it will tum us to the Lord and away from all that displeases Him. As we form the habit of meditating on the Word of God we will experience its converting power. When we come to Him and admit our need, the Word of God produces CLEANSING. "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By tak– ing heed thereto according to Thy Word" (v . 9) . To His disciples Jesus said, "Now are ye clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you" (John 15:3) . What good COUNSEL God gives to us when we meditate upon who He is and what He has said! These are days when many distressed and trou– bled people are looking to unbeliev– ing sources for solutions to their said, "It is only as we really get to know our Lord, by quiet waiting upon Him and through meditation in His Word, that we are able to trust Him and to lean upon Him in the dark hour. If we regularly meditate in His Word, we will never get bitter with God's hand resting heavily upon us or our loved ones and friends." The Word of God yields a CALM– NESS to the person who reads, be– lieves, and obeys it. Have you ever known a Christian whose feelings were hurt and he immediately stopped serving the Lord? Meditation or personal time spent with God and His Word may solve his problem. "Great peace have they who love Thy law, and nothing shall offend them or cause them to stumble" (v. 165) . When you feel offended , meditate upon God and His Word , and you will be amazed how it will change your whole attitude. The truths about meditation em– phasized in Psalm l 19 were put in a brief statement by Paul as he gave in– struction to Timothy. Though the words have direct application to public worship , the principles are nonetheless applicable to personal meditation . He said, 'Till I come , give attendance to reading ... meditate upon these things , give thyself wholly to them that thy profiting may appear to all" (I Timothy 4:13,15). Thinking again of the tragedy of starved Christians , let us remind our– selves that meditation upon the Word of God will produce progressive, spiritual growth - a "profiting" that will appear to all . Physical starvation is readily ap– parent to all. It is the same with spiritual undernourishment. Neglect of meditation upon the Word will be evident to all discerning Christians. Christian friend, how goes your diet of personal meditation? Dr. James T. Jeremiah, currently Chancellor of Cedarville College , was President of the college for 25 years, from 1953-1978 . He is in de– mand as a speaker and his "Light for Living" radio broadcast is heard on 33 stations.
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