Torch, Winter 1992

TEAMS SERVE DURING BREAK M issionary Internship Service (MIS) teams served in Argentina and Jamaica during the Christmas break. Dr. Barbara Loach, assistant professor of Spanish, accompanied ten students !O Buenos Aires to work with ABWE missionaries. "The team provided mstru.ment~l music and puppe.t pr~g:an;is in Spanish for backyard Bible clubs, vacation Bible school, open-mr mm1stnes, and an area youth meeting," said Dr. Loach. "They also participated in a Christmas cantata at a local church." She said that the ministry resulted in a number of decisions for salvation as well as new contacts for the missionaries and greater visibili ty for the churches. Je~f Beste who traveled. with 12 students to Jamaica reports, "We saw eight Jammcan boys accept Chnst when we sang at a boys' home and interacted with th~m afterwards." Beste, assistant director of admissions at Cedarville College, smd that the .team sa~g concerts and witnessed every night-at Hillview Baptist Churc~ and m satelhte churches around Montego Bay, in orphanages, in sh.oppmg ~lazas, and on stre~t c?rners. fa: highlight was the team's fellowship ;:v1th Jamaican students.a! Fauv1ew Baptist Bible College where the team stayed. The Lord gave us a ministry of encouragement to the people in the churches and opened doors for the pastors and missionaries. We know of at least 10 decisions made for Christ," concluded Beste. G~ry Fowler. coordinates the MIS activities. A former missionary to Irian Jaya m Indonesrn, Fowler became full-time MIS director at the beginning of the 1991-92 school year. 500 WINS B asketball co-captain Dominic McKinley presented the game ball to head coach Don Callan when the team gave Callan his 500th career victory on January 9. The Jackets won over Wilmington College 118-81 on the home court. Callan started the 1991-92 season as the seventh "winningest" coach in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA). His college coaching career spans 32 years, all at Cedarville College. WILKINSON ADDRESSES ENRICHMENT CONFERENCE D r. Bruce Wilkinson, president and founder of Walk Thru the Bible Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia was the speaker for the Winter Enrichment Conference January 6-10. He challenged the college family with two series of messages: "Principles of Spiritual Commitment" and "Principles of Fruitbeari ng." More than 1,000 Walk Thru the Old and New Testament seminars are given each year in churches and schools across the United States as well as in 30 countries and 21 languages around the world. Dr. Wilkinson serves as executive editor and publisher for several devotional "Walk Thru" books. He also has authored four books and coauthored five and is a popular speaker for colleges, universities, and conferences. lEN!ROLLMENT, APPLICATIONS UP T he Lord continues to bless Cedarville College with record numbers of students. The present winter quarter enrollment is the highest of any winter quarter in the history of the College. Cedarville students come from 45 states and 15 countries. The Admissions Office reports that applications and acceptances for fall 1992 are well ahead of last year at this time. Scholastic aptitude of the applicants continues to increase. Prospective students should apply as soon as possible to ensure a place in the fall.