Torch, Winter 1992
IS NOT S11cccss.• IS NOT Jlcn/tlt.. IS NOT Wen/tit... but the Best Thing In Ufe II T 0 BE SAVED! THE !Jest Z:lti1tf1 IN LIFE What II Means to be Saued The Prut Fo1gh••n, New Lil• lot the Pres-I, A1~ nrto11ce lor the Fvlure: "lhrougb .thu ClulSl J~t.)"---tlw lurgi·~ ~ r.f Jint-~ -u Mlf ~ ~ m (l:ir.iw, be It. I MW (_Tc.,;UfL~ -\\'i.oio:..nt"J b.-– J.nn}i oo Ihm 1"1h e-• ..,-h.... mg lire· :.A,u I J_ ~'; nc... ;.1;.J.,MJ.HoJ. pffiSONALINFORt"'A"' r<Jta1.-,."" liamf,\l<'i'°"'dO\P_lao;I) (;_ ~-----f? Cf )> .' -- ' ~ ~ A 0oruw~·':Y'1 ~" R..-o<•b" 1 '""" ''"- ~ :--Jf~:~ fqr~her information or e ;istance (at no cost -·or obtigation to you), pleasJ call or write us: c+, r._,:, ~ ~.filll!~ eXhe Office of Planned Giving o€edarville College P.O. Box°'601 Cedarv,ille, OH 45314-0601 513-766-2211 ' . B ob Rc"e <emembm h;s fath" telling bim, "Wbenev" you "<C with " gm"p of new people, run up your flag early. Let them know you are a Christian. You don't have to flaunt it, but in your words and in your deeds, live it before them ." When Bob helped his father start Reese Products, Inc. in Elkhart, Indiana, they approached their business with a commitment to biblical principles and a concern for people's spiritual condition. In 1947, Bob's father designed a stabilizing jack to put under travel trailers. Later, he made a revolutionary type of trailer hitch. The Reeses sold their tool design business to begin manufacturing hitches full-time in the early 1950's. As Bob tells it, his mother suggested that they write an evangelistic tract and enclose one with every product they sold. The company continued that means of outreach for 40 years. Some distributors objected to their open testimony, but others remembered them for it. Every business day started with a voluntary prayer time for the office staff. At Christmas, the company ran full-page ads in trade magazines... not to promote a product, but to remind people of the importance of the birth of Jesus Christ. The Reeses treated their employees as family . And they treated their customers fairly, which meant replacing parts as needed and always being honest. Bob believes that any Christian who offers a good product at a reasonable price, and with good service, will be successful...because those elements are based on biblical principles. Bob credits other Christian men who helped manage the company, particularly Devon Strycker and Charles Miller, for continuing to apply those principles. Now under other ownership, Reese Products certainly exhibited a Christian testimony and financial success for all the years the Reeses served the Lord through the business. The original tract included with every Reese hitch, courtesy of Good News Publishers, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, IL 60187, which publishes a variety of evangelistic tracts.
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